Mam do napisania E-mail z angielskiego.
Właśnie wróciłeś z wycieczki do Londynu gdzie spotkałeś mieszkającego tam wujka. W E-mailu do kolegi napisz:
- w jakich okolicznościach poznałeś wujka.
- opisz co ci sie w nim podoba.
- napisz jakie plany z nim masz związane na przyszły rok.(P.C)
Na 50 słów w górę i bardzo dziękuje za napisanie.Proszę jak najszybciej.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Hi Mark!
Thanks for your last e-mail. It's nice that you wrote to me.
Have I told you about my uncle? I was on trip in London with my parents. We visited a lot of museums and then we went to our family. I haven't know them yet, but they was really nice people. Everybody introdusce each other with me, but one person was the best - my uncle Ben.
Ben is tall man. He's got brown hair and blue eyes. I think, he's so sympetheic and really funny person. I like him so much!
On next holiday he will take me to his home in Spain. It'll be great!
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