Noun phrases atau frase nomina adalah frase yang terdiri dari nomina atau pronomina (sebagai head) dan modifiers.
Modifiers yang biasanya menyertai nomina adalah: - determiners (articles, demonstratives, numbers, possessives, quantifiers) - adjectives, adjective phrases, adjective clauses - relative clauses
Seperti halnya nomina, frase nomina juga mempunyai fungsi sebagai subjek atau objek dalam suatu kalimat. Perhatikan contoh berikut di bawah ini: - My coach is happy. - I like the cars over there. - The woman who lives there is my aunt. - Frankenstein is the name of the scientist not the monster. - I consider Meong my favorite cat. - Small children often insist that they can do it by themselves. - To read quickly and accurately is John’s goal. - Two of my guests have arrived. - Mr. Jones spoke to Dr. James. - My friend works with her father.
Modifiers yang biasanya menyertai nomina adalah:
- determiners (articles, demonstratives, numbers, possessives, quantifiers)
- adjectives, adjective phrases, adjective clauses
- relative clauses
Seperti halnya nomina, frase nomina juga mempunyai fungsi sebagai subjek atau objek dalam suatu kalimat. Perhatikan contoh berikut di bawah ini:
- My coach is happy.
- I like the cars over there.
- The woman who lives there is my aunt.
- Frankenstein is the name of the scientist not the monster.
- I consider Meong my favorite cat.
- Small children often insist that they can do it by themselves.
- To read quickly and accurately is John’s goal.
- Two of my guests have arrived.
- Mr. Jones spoke to Dr. James.
- My friend works with her father.