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Ahmad Yani was born in Jenar, Purworejo, Central Java on June 19, 1922. His family, Wongsoredjo family, worked for a sugar factory. In 1927, Yani moved with his family moved to Batavia. Yani worked his way through primary and secondary education there. In 1940, Yani left high school to undergo compulsory military service in the army of the Dutch East Indies colonial government. He studied military topography in Malang, East Java. Unfortunately, his education was interrupted by the arrival of the invading japanese in 1942. In 1943, he joined Peta (Defenders of the Motherland) army. He underwent further training in Magelang. After completing this training, Yani enlisted himself to be trained as Peta platoon commander. Then, he was moved to Bogor, West Java to get his training. Upon completion, he was sent back to Magelang as an instructor. In the early hours of October 1, 1965, he was kidnapped by people who came to his house. They killed him, his body was taken to Lubang Buaya and was hidden in a disused well. His body was recovered on October 4. He was given a state funeral the following day before being burried at Kalibata Hero’s Cemetery. On the same day, he was oficially declared the hero of the revolution. Today, many roads were named after him and his former house at jalan Latuharhary no. 6, Menteng, Jakarta becomes a museum. 1. why did he leave high school? 2. according to the text, did he finish his studies about military topography in Malang? why/why not? 3. what did he do after joining PETA? 4. when was Ahmad Yani appointed instructor? 5. when did tragedy strike him? 6. "they killed him, his body was taken to Lubang Buaya and...." (paragraph 4) who does 'they' refer to? 7. what do you find at jalan latuharhary no. 6 Menteng, Jakarta? 8. what can you learn from Ahmad Yani?
Long ago, there were three friends, a carpenter, a tailor and a goldsmith. They decided to go together to the other village in search of better jobs. They carried their tools along with them. They walked all day, but still couldn’t reach the village. They decide to have rest under a tree and sleep in the forest, as it was dark already. Fearing that someone could rob them if they all fell asleep, they decide to take turns to stay awake and look after their belongings. First the carpenter was awake to took after the belongings. He had nothing to do, so he took his tools out from his bag and thought of carving a lovely doll. He started his job and ended with a beautiful wooden doll with lovely black eyes and long black hair. He named rosemary. He went to sleep and the tailor woke up next. Seeing the doll tailor thought, “ let me dress her up with a costly dress.” So he took out a small but beautiful piece of cloth from his belongings and made a dress for her and now rosemary wore a lovely dress and looked so pretty! Then he went to sleep and the goldsmith woke up. As it was the goldsmith’s turn to do something, he thought, “let me adorn her with costly jewels, she will look prettier.” He sat down and designed some jewelry for her. Not long, the doll wore diamond earrings and a lovely long necklace. Not long after, an invisible angel passed by and saw the doll. He breathed some life into the doll and brought her to life. The goldsmith was surprised seeing her. In the morning, when the other two friends got up they all saw their creations and later all the four friends started fighting for rosemary’s hand. Rosemary was sad knowing this. Then she shouted, “ stop fighting, please.” The three men were surprised hearing her. Then Rosemary said, “you are friends, right? You should always live in peace with each other.” The three men felt ashamed of what they had done. Then rosemary continued, “ let me decide who among you will my husband.” The men listened to her eagerly.” The carpenter has given life to me, so he is like a father to me. The tailor hs dressed me with clothes which was in respect of womanhood, so he is my brother. Only the goldsmith can marry me because he has given me such costly jewerly to admire my beauty, as that only a husband would do.” 1. where did the three friends sleep? 2. what did they do to avoid robbery? 3. who made a doll when he was awake? 4. what was the doll like? 5. who got the second turn? 6. what jewerly did the goldsmith give to the doll? 7. who brought the doll to life? 8. who was like a brother for Rosemary? 9. who became Rosemary’s husband? 10. why did Rosemary choose the man to be her husband?
Dear diary, Yesterday was a great moment in my life. You know why? I was flying! Thanks to my uncle who is a pilot instructor. I confidently said yes when he invite me to fly with him. Well, i was sitting in a plane as small as a car while my uncle was flying the plane. Then, he started the engine and slowly but surely, we were speeding along the runway at such a high speed. I bet a cheetah could not run as fast as us! We were running along the grey, thin strip of concrete. In my ears i was wearing a pair of black, shiny earphone which allowed me to listen and talk to the pilot. I looked out of the window and watched the ground go whizzing by. It was so cool! The plane was screaming as it ran along the track-suddenly we were airborne and the ground was getting smaller and smaller. Whoosh, i felt like a bird flying high skywards; my feathers were soaring and the wind was rushing through my hair. The window as small as the door of a bird cage suddenly opened and i could feel the cool, cold air blowing all over me. I was freezing. I yelled for help. My uncle turned around and smiled. He calmly shut the window and we continued on our trip. In the blink of an eye we were getting close to the airport. My uncle asked me to look out of the window. I leant over and there were two dolphins swimming in the beautiful, calm sea. They looked so tiny. Their tails were crashing and bashing the water and making the ocean foam like a bubble bath. It was fantastic. Then, i saw airport. The control tower was standing tall like a giant and the runway was getting closer and closer. My ears popped and i could see the grass rushing up to meet us. Next as gently as a feather floating on a summer breeze, we landed, safe and sound. What a great experience! I hope i can fly my own plane, one day. 1. what is the text about? 2. who flew the plane? 3. what did the writer put in his/her ears? 4. why did he/she wear the device? 5. why did he/she freeze? 6. why did the writer's uncle ask him/her to look out the window? 7. when did he ask the writer to look out of the window? 8. what did he/she see when the plane was near the airport? 9. what does he/she hope? 10. "...floating on a summer breeze, we landed,..." what is the opposite meaning of 'landed'?
Last week super junior-M or Su Ju-M, a famous korean boy band that widely known for its pop songs and dance ,performed in jakarta . the band of eight boys were to perform on sunday night and they had arrived in jakarta one day before the concert . they arrived at soekarno-hatta on saturday evening . to welcome them , several fans and i decided to wait for them at the hotel they were booked into . after waiting for several minutes , they arrived . we cheered happily and wanted to shake their hands . however , their management wanted the boy band to have a rest for a while . they promised that there would be a press conference later . not long after , the boy band had press conference at the hotel lobby . during the final section , many fans , including me , took photographs with them and received their autographs . on sunday night we went to the convention hall where the concert was held , by taxi . the concert was due to begin at eight , but we had arrived there at six thirty . the tickets were sold out and it was very crowded . you known that ! most of the audience were teenagers , especially girls , and many of them wore k-pop costume . the police and security officers guarded the line between the stage and audience . they didn't let anyone jump onto the stage . at about eight , the boy band appeared on stage . they sang their songs and danced . during the concert , they also introduce their new songs . the audience cheered , sang and followed their dances . at the end of the concert , the band said thank you in indonesia or terima kasih and the audience gave them a big round of applause . overall , the concert was a success . 1. what is the text about? 2. when did the boy band arrive at soekarno-hatta airport? 3. what did the writer do when his/her favorite boy band arrived at the airport? 4. when was the concert? 5. how did the writer and his/her friend go to the concert? 6. who was the audience mainly? 7. what costume did the audience wear? 8. what did the audience do during the concert? 9. what did the boy band say at the end of the concert? 10. how was the concert overall?

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