Tolong terjemahkan ke bahasa inggris, pake past tense
kejadian tadi adalah kejadian yang sangat tidak patut dicontoh. tadi di sekolah saya tidak dapat menyelesaikan pr seni budaya. seharusnya pr itu harus dikerjakan di rumah tetapi saya tidak mengerjakannya dirumah. saya malah mengerjakan pr itu di sekolah. akibatnya, pada saat pr akan dikumpulkan sy belum selesai mengerjakannya. saya sangat panik dan akhirnya saya mengumpulkan pr itu tanpa sempat menyelesaikannya. kejadian ini menjadi pelajaran berharga untuk saya agar saya tidak mengerjakan pr lagi di sekolah. semoga kejadian ini menjadi yang pertama dan terakhir kali.
The accident was a shame and couldn't try.When i was in school,I couldn't finish my art's task.Actually, that homework should be do at home.But, i didn't do it. What a shame that i do my homework at school.So,when the task had been collect i collected it without finished up.This accident became a good lesson to me to do my homework at home away.I promise not to do my task at home.I hope this would be the first and the last Semoga membantu
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The earlier incident is an event which is not exemplary. was at school I was not able to complete pr cultural arts. pr should it be done at home but I do not do it at home. I even do it at school pr. Consequently, when the pr will be collected sy unfinished work on it. I was very panicked and eventually I gather it without a chance to finish pr. This incident became a valuable lesson for me that I do not do pr longer in school. This incident may be the first and last time.
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