"Saat Itu,Adalah masa yang sulit bagi Kita. kita adalah Korban dari kerakusan penjajah,Hal yang Yang bisa mempersatukan kita adalah, Kitamempunyai kesamaan yaitu sama-sama Berjuang Meraih Kebebasan dari para penjajah, bisa dibilang senasib sepenanggungan"
"Aku harap, Hubungan Antara Negara-Negara Asean Terjalin Semakin membaik dan Semakin Kuat"
"That time was the difficult time for us. We were the victims of the colonialist's voracity. The thing that could unite us was that we had a similarity. That similarity was fighting together to seize the freedom from the colonialist. We could say that it was "in the same boat, in the same burden".
I hope that the relationship of the inter-states of ASEAN countries will binds up better and stronger."
Maaf yaa kalau terjemahannya kurang tepat, good luck :)
"That time was the difficult time for us. We were the victims of the colonialist's voracity. The thing that could unite us was that we had a similarity. That similarity was fighting together to seize the freedom from the colonialist. We could say that it was "in the same boat, in the same burden".
I hope that the relationship of the inter-states of ASEAN countries will binds up better and stronger."
Maaf yaa kalau terjemahannya kurang tepat, good luck :)