September 2018 1 72 Report

1. W czasie 10s ciało przebyło ruchem jednostajnie przyspieszonym drogę równą 30m. Jego szybkość w tym czsie wzrosła pieciokrotnie. Oblicz szybkość początkową oraz przyspieszenie ciała.

2. Pociąg jedzie z prędkością v₀=72km/h. Przed stacją pociąg hamuje tak, że opóźnienie ruchu przyjmuje wartość a=0,5m/s². W jakiej odległości od stacji rozpoczęło się hamowanie?

3. Oblicz średnią szybkość ciała spadającego swobodnie z wysokości 50m. Przyjmij g=10m/s².

4. Punkt materialny dokonuje w czasie 1s dziesięć obiegów po obwodzie koła o promieniu 10cm. Oblicz okres ruchu, szybkosć liniowa i wartośc przyspieszenia dosrodkowego.

Bardzo was proszę o pomoc

potrzebne na wtorek :)

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So, you don't like your school lunches? Take a look at some tasty alternative meals from around the world.Bats are a good source of protein and are popular in Papua New Guinea.Fish is high in protein- good for muscles. The Japanese love fish. They sometimes prepare a poisonous fish called fugu. But if it isn't prepared corretly, it can kill you!The Inuit people eat blubber, the fat from whales. It is very high in calories and so gives you energy and keeps you warm in the freezing temperatures of the Arctic.Australians love barbecues but did you know they barbecue kangaroo and crocodile steaks? Both of them are healthy . They are low in fats and choresterol, so they are suitable for people with heart problems, unlike most other meat.The French collect juicy snails and cook them with garlic. You can also find frogs'legs for dinner in many French restaurants. They are low in fat but a bit high in choresterol.Mopani worms are a traditionaln source of protein in Africa. The worms are actually caterpillars and they are becoming popular with tourists as a tasty' etchnic' snack.When the Masai people of Kenya are hugry and thirsty, they cut a cow's neck and collect the blood. The blood is often mixed with fresk milk, a good source of carbohydrates and vitamins. They say it's a refreshing and healthy drink!Ants are eaten in many countries. In Columbia, they're fried or roasted and eaten as a crunchy snack in cinemas. Insects are, in fact, an excellent source of protein, vitamins ad minerals.Proszę was bardzo o pomoc !!!!

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