October 2018 1 27 Report

Proszę o pomoc w rązwiążaniu zadań.Z góry dzięki

1. Podczas zawodów motorowodnych na rzece ślizgacz przepłynął odległość między mostami równą 6460 m, w czasie 2 min 50 s z prądem rzeki, a pod prąd w czasie o 20 s dłuższym. Oblicz prędkość prądu rzeki i prędkość ślizgacza względem wody.

2. W czwartej sekundzie ruchu jednostajnie zmiennego bez prędkości początkowej ciało przebyło drogę 2 m. Jaką prędkość osiągnie to ciało pod koniec siódmej sekundy ruchu ?

3. Punkt A poruszając się ruchem jednostajnie opóźnionym przebył w ciągu 2 s odległość 24 m, a w ciągu następnych 4 s odległość 24 m. Znajdź prędkość początkową punktu A oraz jego opóźnienie.

4. Ciało będące w ruchu jednostajnym zaczęło poruszać się ruchem jednostajnie przyspieszonym i po czasie t przebyło drogę s. Znajdź przyspieszenie ciała, jeżeli jego prędkość wzrosła n razy.

5. Oblicz czas trwania jednego obrotu karuzeli, której krzesełka odległe o 6 m od osi obrotu poruszają się z prędkością π m/s.

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*Uzupełnij dialog właściwymi formami pytań rozłącznych. PO (Police officer) W (Witness) PO: Let's summarize what we know,........? When the robber entered the bank, you were just standing at the cash desk,.......? W:That's right. PO:And there were two other customers in the building,.......? W:Yes. PO:Then the man pulled out a gun and ordered everybody to lie down. W:Yes. PO:And he was wearing a mask,.....? W:Yes. PO:Tell us what happened afterwards,.......? W:He pointed the gun at the cashier and commanded her to give him all the money. PO:And he didn't see you had your mobile phone,......? W:No, I hid behind the pillar and texted the police. PO:And the robber? W:The robber took the money, left the building and drove off in a black BMW. PO:You are absolutely sure it was a black BMW,......? W:Yes, I am. PO:But you don't remember the number plates,.......? W:No, not really. PO:And there was no one else in the car, except for the robber,......? W:That is correct. PO:Could you describe the robber a bit further, please. W:As I said, he was wearing a mask. And I was shocked. You don't witness bank robberies on an everyday basis,......? I don't remember anything else, I'm afraid. PO:Thank you very much, anyway. You've been a great help. *Uzupełnij każde zdanie, tak aby zachować znaczenie zdania wyjściowego. Zastosuj wyraz podany w nawiasie w niezmienionej formie. 1.He didn't revise very much. As a result, he failed his exam. He..... very much. (BECAUSE) 2.The babysitter won't leave before midnight. The babysitter will....... midnight. (STAY) 3.My grandma fell asleep watching her favourite TV series. My grandma fell asleep...... her favourite TV series. (WAS) 4.I will do some shopping before I cook dinner. I will cook dinner...... the shopping. (I) 5.It was raining cats and dogs, so we stayed at home. ........ cats and dogs, we stayed at home. (AS) 6.I left the cinema, because the film was boring. The film was boring, ..........the cinema. (SO) 7.She doesn't like Gary, but she invited him to the party. ............invited him to the party. (ALTHOUGH) *Uzupełnij pytania 1–8 czasownikami z ramki we właściwej formie. Następnie napisz własne odpowiedzi. do,raise,donate,promote,resolve,volunteer,launch,campaign 1.Do you think it's important to money to....... charity? Why / Why not?....... 2.What do you think are the best ways for charities to...... money?.... 3.Would you ever......to work for a charity abroad? Why / Why not?....... 4.When do charities usually...... appeals on TV?..... 5.Would you like to...... some fundraising for a worthy cause? Why / Why not?.... 6.How important is it to..... education and health in poor countries?...... 7.Do you think charities should..... for human rights in other countries? Why / Why not?...... 8.How effective do you think charities are when they try to..... conflicts in other countries?..... *Uzupełnij fragmenty wiadomości wyrazami utworzonymi od czasowników w ramce. forge,steal,burgle,smuggle An art gallery in London has discovered that one of its most famous paintings has been........It is believed that the original was......sometime last month. It is thought that this may be an inside job and that the......is still working at the gallery. A house in Oxford has been.......three times in the last month. Altogether, three TVs, four CD players, a laptop computer and several hundred pounds in cash have been......On the last occasion, the owner saw the.......as they were leaving but was unable to give a description as it was dark. Two men were arrested at the airport yesterday when customs officials discovered they were trying to.......a total of fifty rare birds' eggs into the country. The number of....bringing rare animals into the country is on the increase.
*Uzupełnij zdania, tak aby zachować znaczenie zdania wyjściowego. Zastosuj właściwe czasowniki modalne. 1.It looks like rain. It............ . 2.I'm sure Doris isn't at school. Doris.........at school. 3.Perhaps Pat is a vegetarian Pat.......a vegetarian. 4.I'm certain they are twins. They....twins. 5.I'm not sure Sue will like the song. Sue.....the song. 6.It is possible that Terry will be late. Terry.......late. *Uzupełnij dialogi. Zastosuj it i there oraz czasownik be we właściwej formie. Alice:It hurts so much to see Ben with his new girlfriend. Kirsten:Don't bother yourself about him. .....plenty more fish in the sea and you will finally find Mr Right. Carl: ...... some news lately about the player's potential transfer to Barcelona. Betty: ....... no secret the club owners have already met to discuss the conditions. Mum:If you go to sleep late, ......... difficult for you to get up tomorrow. Nick:One more game and I'm going to bed, Mum. Zoe: ...... Martha's birthday yesterday. Mandy:Gosh, I completely forgot about it! Ann: ........ something wrong with the computer. It's running extremely slowly. Paul: ....... high time you had it serviced. Cecily:Did you buy shrimps? Frank:No, ....... any in the shop so I had to buy fish instead. Liz:So, how is the weather out there? Becca: ....... raining for two hours now and it doesn't look like it will stop anytime soon. Gosia:Did you know that ...... fewer and fewer wolves in the Polish forests every year? Tomek:Really? How awful! Something must be done to protect them. *Uzupełnij tekst wyrazami z ramki we właściwej formie. collar, kennel, vaccinate, look after, lead, paw, coat, owner, I'm the proud.........of a pedigree dog – a spaniel called Roko. He has a long white and brown......which looks like an old dirty rug when we come home from a walk in the park. I love my dog but I'm not so sure he feels the same about me. Last month, for example, when I took Roko to the vet to have him.......he wouldn't give me his.......for a whole week! He wouldn't even let me put his........on him before going for a walk, which he normally does. I'm afraid my neighbours aren't very fond of Roko. Ms Bloom, for example, says I'm incapable of ........my dog properly and that he should be trained to walk on a...... .But that is not true. Roko has undergone professional training and he can behave very well. I could not imagine him wearing a muzzle or sleeping in a wooden.......outside, especially in winter. I know Roko would never forgive me for such inhumane treatment!
1.Uzupełnij tekst. W każdą lukę wpisz jeden wyraz. Mrs Robinson was reading a book late at night when her son walked into the kitchen. He 1 her that he was hungry and asked if there 2 any eggs left in the fridge. Then he started to make some scrambled eggs. He had hated scrambled eggs since he was a child, so she asked him 3 he wanted her to cook something else instead. But he just kissed her goodnight and went to bed, leaving his late supper untouched on the table. Next morning Mrs Robinson asked her son 4 he 5 cooked scrambled eggs in the middle of the night, but he had no recollection of it whatsoever! It turned out that he had been sleepwalking. He was so embarrassed that he asked her 6 to mention the incident to anyone. 2.Uzupełnij zdania właściwymi zaimkami zwrotnymi lub wyrażeniem each other. 1.What a beautiful room. Did you paint it..... ? 2.Did the kids enjoy...... at the zoo yesterday? 3.Friends in need should support...... . 4.The Browns don't get on well with....... . They quarrel a lot. 5.She bought........ a dress to forget about the stressful day in the office. 6.The cooker switches........ off when the pans are removed. 7.You look pleased with....... . Did you pass your driving test at last? 8.Let me introduce....... . My name is Ann and I'm an exchange student from Poland. 9.Have you ever talked to..... when you were alone? 10.Ladies and gentlemen, enjoy....... watching the best show of the year! 3.Dopasuj wyrazy i wyrażenia do czasowników. Niektóre wyrazy lub wyrażenia pasują do więcej niż jednego czasownika. [Pamiętaj, że jeśli umieścisz w kategorii więcej wyrazów lub wyrażeń niż powinieneś/powinnaś, zostaną Ci odjęte punkty.] ill toothache an injury surgery(someone's) blood pressure an injection an illness hospital an appointment have: get: go to: take: make: treat: feel: suffer from:
*Uzupełnij tekst właściwymi przyimkami. Tam, gdzie przyimek nie jest potrzebny, wpisz znak -. .....Last / last weekend I decided to try out the new fitness club.....the city centre. I got up early.....the morning, found the place......the map and set off. I had been freezing....the bus stop for over half an hour before the bus arrived. The journey took another half an hour as the bus got stuck in a traffic jam. When I reached my destination, it turned out that the gym opened.....10 o'clock, and I was an hour early. There was a small café.....the back of the building, so I spent the time sitting......a table and drinking the worst coffee I have ever tasted. Fortunately, when I finally entered the fitness club, the interior looked even better than.....the pictures on the website. But when I was just about to buy a ticket, I realized that I had forgotten my gym clothes and trainers! I had left them....the floor in my room! * Uzupełnij zdania. W każdą lukę wpisz jeden wyraz(So i such; in order to, so as to). 1.Buy seasonable fruit and vegetables....save money and get the best flavours. 2.Invest in a good, airtight container so....to keep your food in the freezer for a longer time. 3.Store spices in a cool, dark place so.....they won't lose their colour and aroma. 4.Use non-stick cookware in.....not to have to use too much fat. 5.Have all your ingredients prepped and ready to go so as.....to waste time when actually cooking them. 6.Wash all of your dishes as soon as you're done....that you can avoid clutter and keep your kitchen clean.

Life Enjoy

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