A Dago Bengkok hydro powerplant (elevation 668 mdpl) flows water from reservoir through penstock (commercial steel with surface roughness 0.045) to the power house (elevation 585 mdpl) as shown in Figure 3. Assume the penstock diameter is 1.85 m and minor friction of pipe bend 0,3. a. If the average velocity inside the penstock and at the turbine outlet at powerhouse is 3 m/s, determine the penstock headloss (major, minor, and total) and the power generated by turbine b. If the average velocity inside the penstock and at the turbine outlet at powerhouse is 1 m/s, determine the penstock headloss (major, minor, and total) and the power generated by turbine c. What is the conclusions based from case a and b? d. Draw the Energy Grade Line (EGL) and Hydraulic Grade Line (HGL) of the system
Penjelasan:karena pada saat 100+20= 120, ini nilai belum pas kita coba ulang. 100+20+3= 123
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