Crocodiles (1.are) rather 'lizard-like'. They (2.have) long tails and the limbs (3.are) short and straddled sideways. Crocodiles (4.belong) to reptiles. The elongated crocodiles (5.are) probably the most distinctive features. The head ( typically one-seventh the total body length of and the species (7.have) a narrow or broad snout.
Crocodiles (8.have) a 'minimum exposure' posture in water, in which only the eyes, ears, and nostrils (9.lie) above the water's surface. This 'minimum exposure' posture (10.has) obviously been important to crocodiles throughout their evolution.
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1. are. 2. have. 3. are. 4. belong. 5. are. 6. is. 7. have. 8. have. 9. lie. 10. has. (pada simple present, terbagi mjd dua jenis : nominal dan verbal. nominal adalah kalimat yg tdk membutuhkan kata kerja. biasanya dlm soal rumpang spt ini, 'be' dirubah menjadi is/are. 'is' bila subject-nya tunggal, dan 'are' bila subject-nya jamak. sedangkan verbal adalah kalimat yang membutuhkan kata kerja. pada kalimat rumpang jenis simple present tense, yang diperhatikan adalah subject-nya. jika subject-nya tunggal, maka kata kerja ditambahkan 's/es', sedangkan jika subject-nya jamak, maka kata kerja tetap dalam bentuk base verb, yaitu tidak perlu ditambahkan apa-apa pada kata kerjanya)
Crocodiles (1.are) rather 'lizard-like'. They (2.have) long tails and the limbs (3.are) short and straddled sideways. Crocodiles (4.belong) to reptiles. The elongated crocodiles (5.are) probably the most distinctive features. The head ( typically one-seventh the total body length of and the species (7.have) a narrow or broad snout.
Crocodiles (8.have) a 'minimum exposure' posture in water, in which only the eyes, ears, and nostrils (9.lie) above the water's surface. This 'minimum exposure' posture (10.has) obviously been important to crocodiles throughout their evolution.