November 2018 1 31 Report

Rozwiąż za pomocą równania: a) 4cegły i 6 kg pierza waży tyle samo co 6 cegieł i 2 kg żelaza ile waży cegła?

b) cegła waży kilogram i pół cegły. Ile waży cegła???

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I jeszcze zad.3 ze strony 90 w książce new exam connections dla 1 gim.

Z góry dziękuiję:P

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Zdań jest dużo, więc podzielę je na grupy. CHodzi o to zaby poprawic słowa w nawiasach w zalezności od tego czy będzie to zdanie w czasie present simple, lub present continuos, oraz poprawić resztę zdania..Jeżeli jakaś grupa jest zrobiona, prosze spróbj nastepną, będę bardzo wdzięczna.. Daje naj!ie tak mili i najpierw piszcie jaką grupę robicie.Grupa 1.It often(rain) in autumn but never (snow) in summer.He (earn) quite a lot of money, yet he iften(come) and (say) he is short of it.I (hope) they (think) about us.,,What (all these people do) here? ,,They are famous scientists, who (come) from different countries. They (discuss) the problem of AIDS"If he (not be ) home yet it (mean) he (take) part is his party convention. Grupa2.You are (be) very impolite today, Dawid. I (think) you (deserve) punishment.It (require) a lot of practice to achieve success in this field.They ussually (go) shopping in the morning.What ( make) you think so?What (this sentense mean)?Be guiet! I( listen) to the news.Grupa3.How long ( it take) to get from here to Blackburn?What a smell boy who (tease ) our dog?I (see) my doctor tommorow.(you like) what he (do)now,What he says ( appear) to be a lie.Grupa. 4.Look! These two cars (go) to run into each other.My wife (say) she is tired of working with those people and she (seriously consider) changing her job.Their house (stand) on a hill overlooking the village.Why on earth ( he always ring) when I am fast asleep? I am fed up the with.I (think) she (know) everythying about your past.I (just smell) the lilies of he valley. (they not smell) wonderful?Grupa 5.,,Ow much money (we owe) you?"You,,(owe) me $100.He never (remember ) to return books to the library on time.,,(you always use) your brothers cars?,,No I (only use) it today as mine is broken down",,Who (knock) at the door?",,Iam sure it is Miss Wyatt. I( think) she want to borrow something from uss"What time (your train leave)?*Wiem że dużo, ale ja tego sama nie zrobię, a jak każdy zrobi 6 zdań, to nie tak źle. Dzieki za pomoc. :*

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