Rozpoczynasz wymienie maili z kolezanka lub kolego z nowej zelandii. w ok 100 słowach przedstaw się i napisz o swoich zainteresowaniach.
proszę kogoś kto dobrze potrafi angielski z góry dziękuję :D
Hello x, How are you? I have never written an e-mail to foreign correspondent so it is something a little bit new in my life. Let me introduce myself. My name is Lidka and I'm a 20 years old woman. I like playing the guitar, I started my music lessons as a child. I ejoy listetning to music. I'm a kind and crazy person. I also consider my self to be spontaneous and outgoing. I love animals but I'm afraid of spiders. I have got one brother - Marek and one sister - Kasia. I think it's all for now because I got to go. Best wishes Lidka
How are you? I have never written an e-mail to foreign correspondent so it is something a little bit new in my life. Let me introduce myself. My name is Lidka and I'm a 20 years old woman. I like playing the guitar, I started my music lessons as a child. I ejoy listetning to music. I'm a kind and crazy person. I also consider my self to be spontaneous and outgoing. I love animals but I'm afraid of spiders. I have got one brother - Marek and one sister - Kasia. I think it's all for now because I got to go.
Best wishes