1. w ok 100 słowach opisz kolegę lub koleżankę.
2.w ok 100 słowach napisz jakiej muzyki lubisz słuchać i w jakich okolicznościach. ( słucham rapu i hip-hopu a inne rodzaje zależy jaki mam humor)
3. wraz z uczniami z zaprzyjaźnionej szkoły z Walii tworzycie stronę internetową poświęconą waszym szkołom. napisz krótka notatkę w której
* poinformujesz jakie zasady panują w waszej szkole
*opiszesz konsekwencje nieprzestrzegania tych zasad
* wyrazisz swoją opinię na temat tych zasad
proszę aby zrobił to ktoś kto potrafi dobrze angielskki z góry dziękuje :P
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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2. The most I like to listen to hip-hop and Polish rap. There is no special occasion for me to put my headphones on my ears. I adore listening music every time, whenever it is possible. The most I like to do it when I am sitting in the bus and during the walk. I do not have to hear those all private stuff that people are talking about during the way. Music also makes me feel better. It’s also not like I listen to only two genres of music, I like to taste every music, all depends in what mood I am. (102 słowa)
3. Rules that apply in my school are the same as in any other school. The most important is that you mustn’t use your mobile phone during lessons, you mustn’t eat or drink on the lesson and you must not smoke or drink alcohol at school. Other are like you have to behave appropriately, you cant disturb during lessons, don’t fight, don’t break any school furniture or technologies. If you don’t apply those rules, in the consequence your parents will have to collect the school and talk with your head teacher or director. You might have to be on the carpet in director’s room. You can also get reprimanded or expelled from school - it all depends on what you did wrong and if you were good to teachers and students. I think that those rules are secular as everyone breaks them and teachers don’t really care about it. You might be the worst student at school, break every rule but you will still be in that school, no one will do anything. So, that’s why I think that those rules are useless. (182 słowa)