Twój przyjaciel z Irlandi chce poprawić swoją sprawność fizyczną i prosi cię o pomoc.
*Zasugeruj mu jakie ćwiczenia może stosować by osiągnąć ten cel
*Odrzuć pomysł rozpoczęcia ćwiczeń na siłowni i uzassadnij swoją opinię.
*Zaproponuj kompromisowe rozwiązanie i powiedz dlaczeego uważasz je za lepsze.
Prosze o pomoc , gdyż nawet nie wiem jak się za to zabrać.
Daję dużo pkt więc wszystkie podpunkty mają być zrealizowane.Koło 8 zdań ma tego być.
A: I am too fat now. I decided to do some exercises. But I don't know what is the best for me... B: I think, you should start running and walking a lot. You can start with 2 minuts run and 3 minutes walk. And then try to run more and walk less. Easy and complex...isn't it? A: No...I hate's so boring! Maybe I'll to the Gym? B: I think you are too young to do it. That's not good for your health, because you are still growing up. A: Yeah, maybe you'll right, your mother is a doctor. So what should I do to be thinner? B: Well...maybe you shold go to the swimming pool regularly? For example 3-4 times a week with one day rest. Swimming is thought to be the most healthy activity. It helps you to built muscles and stretch them without any risk. A: Wow! That's a perfect idea! I love water! B: So that's a perfect solution for you! A: Yeah, I have to find some swimming pool close to my house. B: So do it as soon as possible! Have fun! A: Thank you, bye! B: Bye!
B: I think, you should start running and walking a lot. You can start with 2 minuts run and 3 minutes walk. And then try to run more and walk less. Easy and complex...isn't it?
A: No...I hate's so boring! Maybe I'll to the Gym?
B: I think you are too young to do it. That's not good for your health, because you are still growing up.
A: Yeah, maybe you'll right, your mother is a doctor. So what should I do to be thinner?
B: Well...maybe you shold go to the swimming pool regularly? For example 3-4 times a week with one day rest. Swimming is thought to be the most healthy activity. It helps you to built muscles and stretch them without any risk.
A: Wow! That's a perfect idea! I love water!
B: So that's a perfect solution for you!
A: Yeah, I have to find some swimming pool close to my house.
B: So do it as soon as possible! Have fun!
A: Thank you, bye!
B: Bye!