Rozmowa z odgrywaniem roli.
Po przyjeździe na kemping do Walii rozmawiasz z recepcjonistką. Poniżej podane są 4 kwestie, które musisz omówić w rozmowie z egzaminującym:
- wolne miejsca i ich liczba
- opłaty i zniżki
- udogodnienia
- długość pobytu i godzina odjazdu
proszę tak około 15-20 zdań Koniecznie potrzebuję na poniedziałek rano więc za rozwiązanie dużo punktów dam
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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- Good morning
* Good morning, how can I help you?
- Do you have any free rooms in the hotel?
* Yes, we have 10 free rooms left. 5 single rooms and 5 doubble rooms.
- What are the prices for a night?
* A single room costs only 50pounds per night with breakfast Included, and a doubble room costs 70pounds with breakfast included.
- Are there any discounts?
* Yes we've got a discounts for rooms but only if you'll take more than 5 rooms, than you will have a 10% discount.
- Than I'll take 2 doubble rooms in the time of 10th October to 20th October. We'll leave at 10 a.m.
I've also got a question abput special facilities? Do you offer here any?
* Yes, our hotel is friendly for handicapped people, we've got a wheelchair access ramp for weelchair users, we've got elevators and so on. In our park there are also facilities for cyclists.
- Can I have a keys to my rooms now?
* Of course here you are, two keys for two doubble rooms, on the second floor. In your room on the table there is a menu with our special services.
- Feel free and enjoy your stay. Goodbye
Mam nadzieję, że pomogłem.