Rozmowa z odgrywaniem roli:
Mieszkasz w Londynie z koleżanką z Irlandii, która chce przygotować słodki poczęstunek. Rozmawiasz z nią o różnych aspektach tego pomysłu.
Poniżej podane są 4 kwestie, które musisz omówić w rozmowie z egzaminującym:
- wartości odżywcze składników
- skutki jedzenia słodyczy
- pomysł na zdrową przekąskę
- wpływ wartościowego jedzenia na zdrowie
Proszę o około 15-20 zdań na ten temat :)
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Widze, ze to pierwsze zadanie maturalne z ustnej, a tam zazwyczaj rozpoczyna egzaminator:
(F)riend: I've got a lovely idea. Let's invite our friends for tea tomorrow. I'll buy a cake and some chocolate biscuits. What do you think?
(M)e: Well, that would be very nice but I'm not sure about the sweets. Cakes usually have over 300 calories in one portion and those are empty calories.
F: You're right. We shouldn't eat more than 2000 calories a day and Ashley's on a diet. She wouldn't be happy with the cake.
M: Anyway, sugar is not healthy. It can cause not only dental problems but can also affect our cardiovascular system and what is also important our weight.
F: Right...but I'd be nice to meet up tomorrow.
M: Maybe we could make some healthy deserts. We could use fruits instead of sugar and yoghurt instead of cream.
F: Great idea!
M: Eating healthy food is really important for our health. We will feel better after such desert.
F: Yes...and we'll keep fit.
M: You're right, but it's not only about keeping fit. It will be good for our health in general.
F: I'm sure our friends will love it.
M: For sure. Especially Ashley.
F: Ok. Let's go shopping. We need to buy some fruit.