September 2018 1 27 Report
Renesansowa recepta na dobre życie. dokonaj analizy Pieśni XI Jana Kochanowskiego. zwróć uwagę na rady, których udziela podmiot liryczny oraz sposób w jaki je formułuje.

jak najszybciej prosze bo mam to na jutro...
z góry dzięki! ;)
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1. i have made the payment to you with my bank,am very sorry for the delay of the payment due to my work.have you receive the confirmationfrom my bank(Barclays Bank).check your inbox or spam to see the my bank is waiting for you to completethe shipment and email them the shipment scan receipt for verification so that they can verify the money transfer to your bank within 24hours.i will urge you to go and ship the item to the address below now and email my bank immediately the item has been ship out ok2. The transfer has been approved and is ready to be transferred into your account, but before the money can be credited into your account you would have to go ahead with the shipment of the item and then send Shipment Tracking Number/Shipment Receipt for the Shipment Verification. Once the shipment verification is complete your account would be credited. 3. It is now safe for you to go ahead with the shipment of the item because the money as been deducted from the buyer Account but the money will be on pending will be credited into your Account immediately and without and delay that you send us the Shipment Tracking Number/Shipment Receipt to us for the Shipment Verification. Your account will be credited immediately upon confirmation of the details required by us, Moreover our customer cannot abort the transfer after you might have send the Shipment Tracking Number/Shipment Receipt to us. You should send the Shipment Tracking Number/Shipment Receiptto us at ………… within the next 24 hours.PROSZE O TŁUMACZMNIE, DAJE WSZYTSKIE PKT JAKIE MAM.DAJE NAJ!!

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