Rearange the jumble sentences into a good paragraph and translate it to b.indonesia
D.last weekend Rusti wanted to write to her penpal five in the afternoon she sat down on a chair in her room b.then she took a piece of paper pen a.she began to write the letter c.after that she got an envelope and a stamp e.she wrote the adress on the envelope and went to the past office Artinya d.minggu kemarin Rusti ingin menulis (surat) ke teman terbaiknya f.saat jam lima sore ia duduk di kursi di kamarnya b.lalu dia mengambil kertas dan pena (pulpen) a.dia memulai menulis (surat) c.setelah itu dia mengambil amplop dan prangko e.dia menulis alamat temanya dan pergi mengirim surat itu ke kantor pos five in the afternoon she sat down on a chair in her room
b.then she took a piece of paper pen
a.she began to write the letter
c.after that she got an envelope and a stamp
e.she wrote the adress on the envelope and went to the past office
d.minggu kemarin Rusti ingin menulis (surat) ke teman terbaiknya
f.saat jam lima sore ia duduk di kursi di kamarnya
b.lalu dia mengambil kertas dan pena (pulpen)
a.dia memulai menulis (surat)
c.setelah itu dia mengambil amplop dan prangko
e.dia menulis alamat temanya dan pergi mengirim surat itu ke kantor pos