1.a.02-01-2004: b.10-10-2015: c.23 maret 1825: d.10 juni 1706: 2.a.05.30: b.14.50: c.22.45: d.19.20:
jawabanya yang benar ok jangan asal asalan(inggris)
1. a). The second of June two thousand and four b). The tenth of October two thousand and fifteen c). the twenty third of March eighteen twenty five d). the tenth of June seventeen o' six 2. a). it's five thirty b). It's ten minutes to three. c). It's a quarter to eleven. d). It's twenty minutes past seven
b). The tenth of October two thousand and fifteen
c). the twenty third of March eighteen twenty five
d). the tenth of June seventeen o' six
2. a). it's five thirty
b). It's ten minutes to three.
c). It's a quarter to eleven.
d). It's twenty minutes past seven
Semoga benar dan bermanfaat. :)