May 2021 2 108 Report

⏩⏩Quis Match⏪⏪

No: Ngasal.
sertakan caranya.​
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1.) What does the text tell us about?.....a. What Americans eat.b. Americans fast food.c. Health problems in America.d. The American style.e. Why many Americans are too fat.2.) Based on text, it can be implied that .......a. High-tech machines are an advantage to the health of Americans.b. Snacks are included in the regular meals of Americans.c. Sixty-six million Americans do not consume fast foods.d. eating little snacks is the cause of major health problems.e. many Americans are fat because of the may they live of eating habit.3.) According to the scientist and the doctors, how many million Americans are too fat? ........a. 14 millionb. 24 million c. 34 milliond. 44 millione. 54 million4.) "(Scientist) and doctors say that about thirty four million Americans are too fat." What does the underlined word mean? .......a. Someone whose job is to repair cars, motorcycles, airplanes, or other kinds of machines.b. Someone whose job involves using special equipment or machines to do someting.c. Someone who works in science and commonly do many researches.d. Someone whose job is terating people who are sick.e. Someone whose job is to do work on people's teeth.5.) "Because of these (extra) food, it must add extra fat on the body." What the similar meaning of the underlined word? .......a. Diminution.b. Alleviationc. Deduction.d. Addition.e. Reduction⏩⏩Quis English⏪⏪⚠.Aturan.⚠⏩ No: Ngasal.⏩ Baca dulu teks dan Soalnya lalu isi PG nya.⏩ Sertakan Penjelasannya.⏩ Mapel.B.inggris​

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