October 2018 1 26 Report

Put in present,past and future forms of "have to " or "don't have'to.

it is saturdays. Nick and Jenny don't have to go to school.

1. Children in England ....... go to school on Saturdays

2. Trig doesn't go to school,so he .................. get up early on monday

3.Yesterday Nick's Maths homework was wrong,so he ...............do it again

4.Yesterday MRS Bell took the children to school by car,so they...........walk

5. Nick and Jenny ..............get up early at the weekend

6.Amanda passed her piano exam,so he...............take it again next year

7.In the history test tom ................ answer all the questions. he had to answer three of them

8.George didn't pass his swimming test,so he ............... try again next year

9.This morning the school bus came on time ,so the children ..............wait long at the bus stop

10.in some countries children ................go to school until they are six seven

11.In hot countries children ..........start leson early in the morning whe it's still cool

12. Some children in Australia ....have lesons by radio,televisions or computer because they live too far away from a school

13.In some schools children of different ages ..........learn together in one class.

14 In some countries there aren't many chools,so a lot of children ...........go to school at all.


what do they have to do every day? write six sentences.

mr.bell get up 7.00, leave home 8.00

Nick and Jenny get up 7.30, leave home 8.30, do homework 4.00, go to bed 9.00, go to sleep 9.30.

*przykład* - Mr. Bell has to get up at seven o'clock.

powodzenia daje najj ;D

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