Pustą drogą jechały jeepy, ciężarówki, prowadzone przez zielonego Forda. Na szczycie góry była wielka brama i obok mała wartownia. Trzech strażników kazało im się zatrzymać. Strażnik powiedział że ten obszar jest zamknięty. Oficer nie zwracał uwagi na zakaz, wtedy strażnik wyciągnął pistolet i trzej żołnierze skoczyli do ciężarówki. Zostali oni zastrzeleni a ich ciała ukryte. Samochody przejechały przez bramę i zatrzymali się przed budynkiem bez okien. Żołnierze wyciągnęli mężczyznę z samochodu, lecz to nie był ten którego szukali. Żołnierz wyciągnął drugiego był to Indiana Jones. Oficer uderzył Indy w twarz. Nagle usłyszeli kobiecy głos. Była to Irina Spalko. Drzwi budynku otworzyły się i żołnierze wepchnęli Indy ośrodka. Wtedy kobieta wzięła miecz i przyłożyła do gardła Indy, ale zrozumiała że jego pomoc jest ważna. Żołnierze wzięli Mac’a i rzucili pod jedną z ciężarówek. Kobieta krzyknęła i ciężarówka ruszyła. Wtedy Indy wyraził zgodę na udzielenie im pomocy.
Proszę o dokładne przetłumaczenie mi tego na angielski;) lecz nie za pomocą translatora... Będę wdzięczna;)
With empty route jeeps went, lorries, driven by green Ford. There was a large gate on the top of a mountain and beside little guardroom. Three guards ordered them to stop. The guard said this area was closed. The officer overlooked to the ban, then the guard drew a gun and three soldiers jumped into the lorry. They stayed shot dead and their hidden bodies. Cars travelled through the gate and they stopped in front of the building without windows. Soldiers got the man out of the car, but it wasn't the one for which they searched. The soldier took out second was it is Indiana Jones. The officer slapped Indiums in the face. Suddenly they heard a woman's voice. She was it is Spalko Irina. The door of the building opened and soldiers pushed Indiums of the centre. Then the woman held the sword and she put Indiums to the throat, but she understood that his help was important. Soldiers held Matzohs ’ and and threw under one of lorries. The woman shouted and the lorry moved. Then he expressed Indiums consent to give aid to them.
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Empty road rode jeeps, trucks, led by a green Ford. At the top of the mountain was a great gate and beside a small guardhouse. Three guards commanded them to stop. Warden said that this area is closed. The officer paid no attention to the prohibition, when the guard pulled out a pistol and three soldiers ran to the truck. They were shot and their bodies hidden. Cars drove through the gate and stopped in front of the building without windows. The soldiers pulled a man out of the car, but it was not that they sought. The soldier was pulled out of the second Indiana Jones. Indy officer struck in the face. Suddenly they heard a woman's voice. It was Irina Spalko. Building door opened and the soldiers shoved Indy center. Then the woman took the sword to the throat and put the Indy, but realized that its support is important. The soldiers took Mac'ai rushed into one of the trucks. The woman screamed and the truck started. And Indy has agreed to assist them. please