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Pałac Falkland - była rezydencja królów Szkocji położona w hrabstwie Fife. Najsłynniejszym miejscem na mapie Szkocji jest bez wątpienia Loch Ness
ze szkocji wywodzi się Alexander Graham Bell, który wymyślił telefon, noblista Alexander Fleming - odkrywca penicyliny. W Szkocji wymyślono: światło elektryczne, alarm przeciwpożarowy, rowery, maski gazowe, insulinę, teleskop, kolorową fotografię, narkozę. A z najnowszych osiągnięć - warto przypomnieć, że to w Szkocji sklonowano w 1996 roku owcę Dolly.
Falkland Palace - former residence of the kings of Scotland, located in Fife. The most famous spot on the map of Scotland is without doubt the Loch Ness Monster
Scotland is derived from Alexander Graham Bell, who invented the telephone, Nobel Prize winner Alexander Fleming - discovered penicillin. In Scotland, invented a light, electrical, fire alarm, bicycles, gas masks, insulin, a telescope, a color photograph, narcosis. And with the latest developments - it is worth recalling that in Scotland in 1996 cloned Dolly the sheep
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Falkland Palace - former residence of the kings of Scotland, located in Fife. The most famous spot on the map of Scotland is without doubt the Loch Ness Monster
Scotland is derived from Alexander Graham Bell, who invented the telephone, Nobel Prize winner Alexander Fleming - discovered penicillin. In Scotland, invented a light, electrical, fire alarm, bicycles, gas masks, insulin, a telescope, a color photograph, narcosis. And with the latest developments - it should be recalled that in Scotland in 1996 cloned Dolly the sheep.
The most famous spot on the map of Scotland is without doubt the Loch Ness Monster
Scotland is derived from Alexander Graham Bell, who invented the telephone, Nobel Prize winner Alexander Fleming - discovered penicillin. In Scotland, invented a light, electrical, fire alarm, bicycles, gas masks, insulin, a telescope, a color photograph, narcosis. And with the latest developments - it is worth recalling that in Scotland in 1996 cloned Dolly the sheep
The most famous spot on the map of Scotland is without doubt the Loch Ness Monster
Scotland is derived from Alexander Graham Bell, who invented the telephone, Nobel Prize winner Alexander Fleming - discovered penicillin. In Scotland, invented a light, electrical, fire alarm, bicycles, gas masks, insulin, a telescope, a color photograph, narcosis. And with the latest developments - it should be recalled that in Scotland in 1996 cloned Dolly the sheep.