October 2018 1 37 Report

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B) New technologies are breaking down the boarders between people .The Internet is helping us to get to know each other.You don' t need a passport or a visa to talk on Messenger or Skype.I chat with friends from lots of different countries and I don't mind where they come from. All I know is we enjoy the same things .It 's not where you're from that matters the most ;it's who you are that really counts

C)Nationality is still important to us ;we follow our flags with pride and compete against other nations.But just because someone comes from another place doesn't mean they 're our enemy.I know lots of athletes from other countries.We're rivals but we get on well and respect each other.

E) I enjoy national differences, but I 'm delighted the divisions between people are disappearing .I love the closing ceremony of the Olympic Games; the athletes from all the different countries are wearing their country 's colours, but they 're all holding hands,singing the same song and waving the same flag.

Proszę o przetłumaczenie całego. Ponieważ zrobiłabym to ale mam pełno nauki a to trochę zajmię plus jeszcze inne zadanie domowe bo miałam pełno zadane. Proszę więc o pomoc za pomoc osoba dostanie 45 pkt

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