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Moim najlepszym filmem jest i ze cie nie opuszcze . Ten film jest bardzo interesujący. Opowiada o młodym małżeństwie które miało wypadek . on zostaje lekko ranny, ona doznaje poważnych uszkodzeń czaszki i zapada w śpiączkę. Gdy wybudza się, jest inną osobą. Zapomniała wszystko z dwóch ostatnich lat przed wypadkiem, także własnego męża. Leo podejmuje próbe ożywienia jej pamięci poprzez wspomnienia i zdjęcia. Jednak Paige zaczyna uważać go za natręta. Leo postanawia sprawić, by żona po raz drugi zakochała się w nim...
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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My best film is, and that will leave you. This film is very interesting. Tells the story of a young marriage that was an accident. He is slightly wounded, she suffers severe damage to the skull and in a coma. When you wake up a different person. She forgot all of the last two years prior to the accident, including her own husband. Leo tries to revive her memory through the memories and photos. However, Paige begins to regard him as a stalker. Leo decides to make a second wife fell in love with him ...
My best film is, and that will leave you. This film is very interesting. Tells the story of a young marriage that was an accident. He is slightly wounded, she suffers severe damage to the skull and in a coma. When you wake up a different person. She forgot all of the last two years prior to the accident, including her own husband. Leo tries to revive her memory through the memories and photos. However, Paige begins to regard him as a stalker. Leo decides to make a second wife fell in love with him ...