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Patryk nosił celtyckie imię Succat.
Gdy miał szesnaście lat, uprowadzono go i sprzedano w niewolę do Irlandii ,gdzie pracował jako pasterz.
Wkrótce potem przyjął święcenia kapłańskie. Kiedy zamierzał wrócić do ojczyzny, miał we śnie widzenie, w którym usłyszał wezwanie, by wrócił do Irlandii i głosił tam wiarę w Chrystusa.
When he was sixteen he was kidnapped and sold into slavery to Ireland where he worked as a shepherd.
Soon after that he he was ordained a priest.When he was going to return to his homeland, he had a vision in a dream in which he heard a call to return to Ireland and preach the faith in Christ there.
When he was sixteen he was kidnapped and sold into slavery to Ireland where he worked as a shepherd.
Shortly thereafter, he was ordained a priest. When he was going to return to his homeland, he had a vision in a dream in which he heard a call to return to Ireland and preach faith in Christ there.
Patrick bore the Celtic name Succat.
When he was sixteen he was kidnapped and sold into slavery to Ireland where he worked as a shepherd.
Soon after that he he was ordained a priest.When he was going to return to his homeland, he had a vision in a dream in which he heard a call to return to Ireland and preach the faith in Christ there.
Patrick bore the Celtic name Succat.
When he was sixteen he was kidnapped and sold into slavery to Ireland where he worked as a shepherd.
Shortly thereafter, he was ordained a priest. When he was going to return to his homeland, he had a vision in a dream in which he heard a call to return to Ireland and preach faith in Christ there.
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