Przetłumaczy ktoś te zdania i utworzy przeczenie i 3 pytania do każdego z góry dziękuje o to zdania ; 1.oni byli na basenie wczoraj 2.2 lata temu kupilsmy nowy telewizor 3.moja druzyna przegrala 3 mecze w ostatnim sezonie 4.balbina byla w szpitalu w ostatni piatek uczniowie nie byli przygotowani do lekcji w zeszlym tygodniu 6.Ziutek wygrał 12 mln wczoraj :D
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1.oni byli na basenie wczoraj
They were on the swimming pool yesterday.
They weren't on the swimming pool yesterday
Were they on the wimming pool?
Where were they yesterdey?
When were they on the swimming poll.
2.2 lata temu kupilsmy nowy telewizor
We bought new TV two years ago
We didn't buy new TV two years ago
Did we buy ne tv two years ago?
When did we buy new TV?
What did we buy two years ago?
3.moja druzyna przegrala 3 mecze w ostatnim sezonie
My team played away 3 matches in the last season
My team didn't play away 3 matches in the last season
Did My team play away 3 matches in the last season?
Whan Did My team play away 3 matches?
How many matches did my team play away in the last season
4.balbina byla w szpitalu w ostatni piatek
Balbina was in the hospital at the last Friday
Balbina wasn't in the hospital at the last Friday
Was Balbina in the hospital at the last Friday? When was in the hospital ? Where Was Balbina at the last Friday? uczniowie nie byli przygotowani do lekcji w zeszlym tygodniu
My students weren't ready for lesson in the last week
Were my student ready for the lesson in the last week?
When Weren't my student ready for the lesson?
Why Weren't my student ready for the lesson in the last week?
6.Ziutek wygrał 12 mln wczoraj
Ziutek won 2 millions yesterday
Ziutek didn't win 2 millions yesterday
Did Ziutek win 2 millions yesterday?
When Did Ziutek win 2 millions?
What Did Ziutek win yesterday?
2.2 years ago we bought a new TV/ we didn't buy a tv 2 years ago
3. my team lost 3 games in a row last season/ my team won 2 games and lost 1 game last season
4.balbina was at the hospital last friday/balbina was at the hospital this friday
5,my students waren't ready for the lesson last week/ my students were ready for the lesson last week
6.Ziutek won 12 million (dollars/zlotych)(jak chcesz) yesterday/ Ziutek had lose over 12 million (dollars) in casino
Mam nadzieje ze pomoglem. Mieszkalem 5 lat w stanach i nie dawno wrocilem do polski wiec wiem co pisze (0 google) pozdro