October 2018 1 10 Report


Welcome, Matt!

I have been expecting you.

Good bye, Matt!

Do you want to buy 10x apple for 15 euro?

It was a pleasure doing business with you.

Bought 10x apple for 15 euro.

Do you want to sell 10x apple for 15 euro?

Thank you for this apple, Matt gold.

Sold 10x apple for 15 euro.

Sorry, you don't have enough money.

You do not have enough money.

You don't even have that item, Matt!

You do not have this object.

You do not have enough capacity.

You do not have enough capacity for all items.

Next, please!

How rude!

Not good enough, is it... ?

Here's my offer, Matt. Don't you like it?

Sorry, I'm not offering anything.

Thank you, come back when you want something more.

Matt! I am already talking to you...

Matt, please wait for your turn. There are quest customers before you.

Daje NAJ za najlepiej przetłumaczone!

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Translation.1. Past simple of to be; there was, there werea) Harrison Ford was a carpenter.b) There were a lot of people at the concert.c) The Beatles were from Liverpool.d) There was an accident in my street yesterday.e) Where were you last Monday?2. Past simplea) Natasza found €100 in the street yesterday.b) I liked milk a lot when I was two years old.c) Where did you put the books?d) The dog ate cat's food!3. Agoa) My friend and I went to England two years ago.b) The teacher gave us a lot of homework a week ago.c) Beckham started playing football in Spain a few years ago.d) Mary Quant designed the first mini skirt more than 30 years ago.4. Talking about abilities with can and coulda) I couldn't speak English when I was three years old.b) My sister couldn't cook when she was a twelve but she can now.c) Could you play football when you were a child?d) Can you play football now?5. RevisionDid you know that word guitar comes from ancient Greece? Some people think it is the name of a Greek island. This island was a paradise of poetry and love. The first instrument that looked like a guitar appeared in Sumer in the year 2500 B.C. This image was on a stone that archaelogists found in the city of Nippur, and it is now in the Philadelphia Museum of Art.---------------------------Dla większości to łatwe, ale dla mnie nie. Jeżeli uda się Wam to przetłumaczyć to i mi pomoże to podwyższyć bardzo słabą ocenę z j. angielskiego. Liczę na szybką pomoc!

Life Enjoy

" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "

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