October 2018 2 15 Report

Przetłumacz na j.angielski:

- Odezwij się, proszę.

- Czy możesz mi to podać?

- Jesteś dla mnie wszystkim.

- Jak masz na imię?

- Czy pożyczysz mi długopis?

- Nie pożyczę Ci, ponieważ sam go nie mam.

- Zapytaj mnie.

- Czy Ty wrócisz do mnie?

Prosiłabym o szybką pomoc! Uznaje tylko poprawne odpowiedzi (bo z translatora też potrafię skorzystać).

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Translation.1. Past simple of to be; there was, there werea) Harrison Ford was a carpenter.b) There were a lot of people at the concert.c) The Beatles were from Liverpool.d) There was an accident in my street yesterday.e) Where were you last Monday?2. Past simplea) Natasza found €100 in the street yesterday.b) I liked milk a lot when I was two years old.c) Where did you put the books?d) The dog ate cat's food!3. Agoa) My friend and I went to England two years ago.b) The teacher gave us a lot of homework a week ago.c) Beckham started playing football in Spain a few years ago.d) Mary Quant designed the first mini skirt more than 30 years ago.4. Talking about abilities with can and coulda) I couldn't speak English when I was three years old.b) My sister couldn't cook when she was a twelve but she can now.c) Could you play football when you were a child?d) Can you play football now?5. RevisionDid you know that word guitar comes from ancient Greece? Some people think it is the name of a Greek island. This island was a paradise of poetry and love. The first instrument that looked like a guitar appeared in Sumer in the year 2500 B.C. This image was on a stone that archaelogists found in the city of Nippur, and it is now in the Philadelphia Museum of Art.---------------------------Dla większości to łatwe, ale dla mnie nie. Jeżeli uda się Wam to przetłumaczyć to i mi pomoże to podwyższyć bardzo słabą ocenę z j. angielskiego. Liczę na szybką pomoc!

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