E-mails są lepsze niż listy . Po pierwsze szybciej się pisze e-mail niż list. Nie tracimy czas na szukanie koperty,znaczków. E-mail szybciej się wysyła bo wpiszemy w odpowiednie rubryki nazwę odbiorcy i po 2 sekundach wiadomość dociera do odbiorcy. Pisząc list musimy ręcznie go wypisać ,zakleić kopertę i wysłać . Wysyłka listu trwa nawet dwa tygodnie . Pisząc e-maila mamy możliwość szybkiego sprawdzenia poprawności ortografii natomiast pisząc ręcznie musimy dużo czasu poświęcić na wyszukaniu wyrazu w słowniku. Kolejną zaletą e- maila jest to że nikt nie będzie się wyśmiewał z naszego pisma , gdyż piszemy na klawiaturze komputera. Gdy piszemy list natomiast każdy ma inny charakter pisma. Korespodnując poprzez internet mamy możliwość zachowania animowości , natomiast pisząc list musimy podać adres osoby wysyłającej list. Myśle że pisanie e-maila jest lepsze niż pisanie listu , gdyż jest dużo dowodów na to .
Jak ktoś ma zle napisać to niech nie pisze !!! SPAMY I KOPIOWANIE ZGŁASZAM !!
E-mails are better than lists. First, faster to write than e-mail lists. We do not waste time looking envelopes, stamps. E-mail is faster because it sends the appropriate box you type in the recipient's name, and after 2 seconds the message reaches the recipient. Writing a letter we have to hand write it, seal the envelope and send it. Post a letter takes up to two weeks. Writing an e-mail, we can quickly verify the correctness of spelling, writing by hand but we have plenty of time to devote to a search word in the dictionary. Another advantage of email is that nobody will make fun of our letter, write it on your keyboard. When you write a letter while each has a different handwriting. Korespodnując via the Internet we can preserve animowości, while writing a letter must indicate the address of the person sending the letter. I think that writing an e-mail is better than writing a letter, because it is a lot of evidence.
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E-mails are much better than letters. At first, It's easier to write an e-mail than to write the letter. We are not wasting our time for searching the envelope or stamps. Sending e-mail is faster ,becouse we've only inscribing informations to the appropriate column, and after two seconds the message reach to the receiver. When we're writing a letter, we have to write him by hand, next we have to seal an envelope and finally send. Shipment of the letter,could be extended even two weeks! Writing an e-mail we have an opportunity to check fast the ortography. But, when we're writing letter by hand , we have to checking every single word in a dictionary. The next adventage of e-mail is ,that nobody won't be laughing of our handwriting,becouse of we are writing by the keys in a computer. When we are writing a letter, everyone has other kind of handwriting. Having coresponding through the Internet, we are able to be anonymous. In turn, during writing a letter we must give the address of the person who is sending a letter. I think ,that writing an e-mail is much better, than writing a letter. There are so many evidences for it.
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We do not waste time looking envelopes, stamps. E-mail is faster because it sends the appropriate box you type in the recipient's name, and after 2 seconds the message reaches the recipient. Writing a letter we have to hand write it, seal the envelope and send it. Post a letter takes up to two weeks. Writing an e-mail, we can quickly verify the correctness of spelling, writing by hand but we have plenty of time to devote to a search word in the dictionary. Another advantage of email is that nobody will make fun of our letter, write it on your keyboard. When you write a letter while each has a different handwriting. Korespodnując via the Internet we can preserve animowości, while writing a letter must indicate the address of the person sending the letter.
I think that writing an e-mail is better than writing a letter, because it is a lot of evidence.
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