Przetłumacz zdania na j.angielski:
1.Dwa lata temu ja i moi rodzice byliśmy w Grecji na wakacjach.
2.Tomek nie był dziś w szkole.
3.Jej brat podróżował dookoła świata.
4.Mieliśmy okropny ranek.
5.Ania wyszła z domu o 7:45
6.Nasza mama była zła, ponieważ zostawiliśmy bałagan w kuchni.
7.Miesiąc temu otworzyli nowe muzeum.
8.Gdzie byliście wieczorem?
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1. Me and my parents were on holiday in Greece tw years ago.
2. Tomek wasn't in schood today.
3. Her brother travelled around the world.
4. We had horrible accident.
5. Ania left her home at 7:45.
6. Our mum was angry because we left the muddle in kitchen.
7. New museum was opened a month ago.
8. Where did you be tonight?
1. Two years ago me and my parents were in Greece on Holidays.
2. Tom wasn't in school today.
3. Her brother traveled around the world.
4. We had a terrible morning.
5. Anne left the house at 7:45 am.
6. Our mom was angry because we left a mess in the kitchen.
7. A month ago, they opened a new museum.
8. Where were you tonight?