1. Ich pociąg wyruszył 5godzin temu, więc na pewno dotarli już do Londynu.
2. Kiedyś nasze podróże do Irlandii trwały bardzo długo ponieważ musieliśmy płynąć promem.
3. Być może ten tygrys uciekł swojemu właścicielowi.
4. On na pewno nie spóźnił się na swój lot, bo dzwonił do mnie z lotniska.
5. Kiedyś każdego lata wędrowaliśmy po górach, a na noc rozbijaliśmy namiot w dolinach.
6. Być może schronisko młodzieżowe ma teraz nowych właścicieli.
7. W schowku na bagaż podręczny nie było mapy, więc na pewno zostawiła ja w poczekalni dla odlatujących.
8. Zarezerwowali pokój z widokiem na morze w 3gwiazdkowym hotelu.
9. W tym gęstym lesie żyły kiedyś wilki i niedźwiedzie, ale teraz można je zobaczyć tylko w ZOO.
10. Kiedy dotarli do celu zobaczyli wodospad spływający kaskadą ze stromego zbocza. (cascade down- spływać w dół)
1. Their train set off 5 hours ago, so they certainly must have arrived in London 2. In the past our journeys to London took a lot of time, since we had to go by ferry 3. Perhaps this tiger has run away from its owner 4. He couldn't have missed his flight, since he has called me from the airport 5. In the past each year he would trek in the mountains, and at night we would pitch a tenet in the valleys 6. Perhaps a youth hostel has new owners now 7. There was no map in the hand luggage compartment, so she certainly must have left it in the lounge 8. They have booked a room with a sea view in a three-star hotel. 9. In this dense forest used to live wolves and bears, but at present you can only see them in a zoo. 10. When they had arrived they saw a waterfall cascading down a steep hillside.
2. In the past our journeys to London took a lot of time, since we had to go by ferry
3. Perhaps this tiger has run away from its owner
4. He couldn't have missed his flight, since he has called me from the airport
5. In the past each year he would trek in the mountains, and at night we would pitch a tenet in the valleys
6. Perhaps a youth hostel has new owners now
7. There was no map in the hand luggage compartment, so she certainly must have left it in the lounge
8. They have booked a room with a sea view in a three-star hotel.
9. In this dense forest used to live wolves and bears, but at present you can only see them in a zoo.
10. When they had arrived they saw a waterfall cascading down a steep hillside.