Przetłumacz zdania i odpowiedz na nie po angielsku: 1.Gdzie szedłeś kiedy cie zobaczyłem? 2.Co robił Roman kiedy skończyła się lekcja? 3.Co robiła twoja siostra kiedy spałeś? 4.Z kim rozmawiał Józef kiedy spotkałaś go w biedronce? 5.Dlaczego Kasia się nie śmiała kiedy Bartek opowiadał dowcip? 6.Kto na ciebie czekał kiedy skończyłaś wczoraj lekcje?
1. Where were you going when I saw you? I was going to school when you saw me.
2. What was Roman doing when lesson finished? Roman was talking with friend when lesson finished.
3. What was your sister doing when you were sleeping? My sister was playing in computer games when I was sleeping.
4. Who was Jozef talking when you met him in Biedronka? Józef was talking with his girlfriend when I met him.
5. Why wasn't Kasia laughing when Bartek told a joke? Kasia wasn't laughing when Bartek told a joke because she was talking with friend.
6. Who were you waiting when you finished lessons? My boyfriend was waiting for me when I finished lessons.
I was going to school when you saw me.
2. What was Roman doing when lesson finished?
Roman was talking with friend when lesson finished.
3. What was your sister doing when you were sleeping?
My sister was playing in computer games when I was sleeping.
4. Who was Jozef talking when you met him in Biedronka?
Józef was talking with his girlfriend when I met him.
5. Why wasn't Kasia laughing when Bartek told a joke?
Kasia wasn't laughing when Bartek told a joke because she was talking with friend.
6. Who were you waiting when you finished lessons?
My boyfriend was waiting for me when I finished lessons.