Przetłumacz zdania bez tłumacza! (Past Simple) :
1. Rozmawiałam z kolegą wczoraj.
I talked to him yesterday.
2. Mój brat nie lubił cukierków kiedy miał 4 lata.
3. Czy ty umyłeś naczynia wczoraj? Nie.
4. Fiona słuchała radia, a nie oglądała telewizji.
5. Mój brat i ja oglądaliśmy dobry film 2 dni temu.
6. Ona ugotowała dobry obiad w zeszłym roku.
7. Czy ona czekała na autobus 30 minut? Tak.
Proszę o szybką odpowiedź! :(
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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I talked with my friend yestarday,
My brother doesn't like sweets when he had 4 years.
Did you wash dishes yesterday?no
fiona listened radio, she doesn't wath tv
my brother and me watched good film two days ago
she cooked good dinner year ago.
does she waited on bus 30 min yes
1. I talked to my friend yesterday.
2. My brother didn't like candies when he was 4.
3. Did you wash the dishes yesterday? No, I didn't.
4. Fiona wasn't watchig TV, she was watching the TV.
5. My brother and I watched a good film two days ago.
6. She cooked a good lunch last year.
7. Did she wait for the bus for 30 minutes? Yes, she did.
Liczę na naj! :)