2 Complete the text with the correct form of the verb in brackets.Dear Carla,I’m writing to tell you about our great trip to London. We only 1 ____________ (get) home yesterday.We went for two weeks – Jo, Julia, Frank and me – and we 2 ____________ (see) lots of interesting things. We went to the Notting Hill Carnival and listened to some fantastic music. We 3 ____________ (dance) for hours and hours and we ate some really exotic food – quite delicious. We did some serious tourist things too! We visited Westminster Cathedral, Buckingham Palace and Trafalgar Square. But we 4 ____________ (not go) to Madame Tussaud’s – we 5 ____________ (not have) time. And of course we went shopping. There are some really good shops in London, and markets too. 6 ____________ (you go) to Portobello Road Market when you were here? On the day I went, there 7 ____________ (be) lots of great things to buy, especially clothes … but I 8 ____________ (be) good. I 9 ____________ (not spend) lots of money. I only bought one sweatshirt. And 10 ____________ (you and Peter visit) the parks? I really enjoyed them. They’re so big and so green. One night there was an evening of music in the park and we listened for hours – brilliant! Write to me soon and tell me about your holidays! Love, Kari3 Complete the dialogues.1 A: What ________________________ when I rang you?B: I was visiting my aunt.2 A: Did you live in London before you moved here?B: Yes, I ________________________ .3 A: Did you enjoy visiting your family?B: No, because I ________________________ ill.4 A: Were you at school last year?B: No, I ________________________ . I finished the year before.5 A: She ________________________ TV when I came home.B: That’s right. She loves programmes about animals, and there was a good one on.6 A: Did he go out last night?B: No, he ________________________ .7 A: What ________________________ last night?B: A pizza, some pasta and a sandwich. I was very hungry!8 A: She ________________________ good at English when she came to this school.B: Yes. That’s because she lived in England for six years.9 A: Why did you get angry?B: Because they ________________________ TV and weren’t listening to me.10 A: Why did they have nothing to eat last night?B: Because they ________________________ enough money for a meal.4 Find the odd word.1 factory ghost story novel play (n)2 playwright school novelist writer3 coast rich well-known beautiful4 thirsty lazy exhausted monument5 build design invent destroy5 Match the words in A with the words in B.1 ball-point a) fire2 ice b) call3 on c) pen4 surf the d) goodness5 phone e) down6 the top f) cream7 say g) lunch8 thank h) internet9 burn i) of10 picnic j) ‘cheese’ 6 Find the two correct words for each category.1 FOOD butter smoke cheese diary2 DRINKS brandy shiver wine rock3 WEATHER wind wheel rain lifebelt
I KLASA GIMNAZJUM!1.- Cześć, co słychać? – Dziękuję, dobrze........................................2.– Jak się nazywasz? – Nazywam się Alex........................................3.– Ile masz lat? – Mam 14 lat........................................4.- Skąd pochodzisz? – Pochodzę z Polski........................................5.– Gdzie mieszkasz? – Mieszkam w Gliwicach........................................II. Ułóż zdania z rozsypanki 5pkt1.ist / und / Musik / Sport / Hobby / mein........................................2.Schüler / Schülerin / und / ich / du / bin / bist ................................................................................3.lernt / Gitarre / spielt / Deutsch / er / und........................................4.Patrycja / Deutschland / Berlin / und / wohnt / kommt / aus / in........................................5.mag / magst / Pizza / und / du / Spaghetti / ich........................................III. Zapisz słownie pkt17 - ........................................12 - ........................................11 - ........................................9 - ........................................5 - ........................................IV. Zapisz cyfrą 5pktacht - ................... zwanzig - ................... sechzehn - ...................vier - ................... dreizehn - ...................V. Napisz słówka po niemiecku. Pamiętaj o rodzajniku! 5pktimię - ........................................nazwisko - ........................................wiek - ........................................kraj - ........................................zawód - ........................................VI. Napisz słówka po polsku 5pktwiederholen - ........................................buchstabieren - ......................................der Schüler - ........................................der Wohnort - ........................................die Party - ........................................VII. Oznacz poniższe zwroty tak jak w przykładzie 5pktB – Begrüßung (powitanie) lub V – Verabschiedung (pożegnanie)F – Freund (przyjaciel) lub L – Lehrer (nauczyciel)Np. Ciao! - V, FGuten Morgen - .......................................Hallo - ........................................Tschüss - ........................................Auf Wiedersehen - ....................................Wie geht’s? - ........................................ale jak już robicie to do końca :d

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