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16 lat może to niewiele, 16 lat to tyle ile żyję już na świecie. Zdawać by się mogło, że wszyscy wiedzą o mnie wszystko. Bo cóż szczególnego może robić przeciętna szesnastolatka? Siedzi przed komputerem, spotyka się z koleżankami, pisze sms-y, chodzi na zakupy. A jednak ze mną jest inaczej… Dwa lata temu podczas obozu w Bieszczadach przeżyłam najwspanialszą jak dotąd przygodę mojego życia. Podczas jednej z górskich wypraw na którą jak zwykle zabrałam swój aparat złapała nas straszna burza. Z natury jestem odważna, dlatego też postanowiłam zrobić zdjęcia błyskawic – to od dawna było moim wielkim marzeniem. Do tej pory nie miałam takiej okazji. Zazwyczaj fotografowałam zwierzęta i przyrodę. Byłam oczarowana widokiem burzliwego nieba rozdzieranego przez kolejne błyskawice. Nie zauważyłam nawet kiedy zaczął padać ulewny deszcz. Cała grupa w chaosie uciekała do schroniska, ale moją uwagę przykuł mały rudy kotek – przemoczony, zziębnięty i zagubiony. Schowałam aparat, wzięłam go pod kurtkę i czym prędzej udałam się do chatki w której stacjonował obóz. Nie martwiłam się o siebie – nie pierwszy raz byłam przemoczona do suchej nitki. Bardziej bałam się o mojego nowego rudego przyjaciela. Wysuszyłam go moim ręcznikiem i dałam mu ciepłe mleko. Po długich namowach opiekunka obozu pozwoliła mi zabrać kotka do domu. Po powrocie opowiedziałam całą sytuację rodzicom, byli dumni z mojego zachowania i w zamian za moją odwagę pozwolili mi zatrzymać kotka w domu. Postanowiłam także, że raz w tygodniu będę odwiedzała łódzkie schronisko dla zwierząt, aby pomóc choć trochę w opiece nad biednymi porzuconymi stworzeniami. Zdjęcia błyskawic były fantastyczne, za ich pośrednictwem jeszcze bardziej zainteresowałam się fotografią. Mam nadzieję, że w nadchodzące wakacje uda mi się odbyć kurs fotografii, o którym marzę. A podczas planowanego wyjazdu do Hiszpanii uda mi się zrobić kolejną porcję fantastycznych fotografii, które zapełnią kolejne miejsca na moich pokojowych ścianach.
16 years may do little, 16 years is as much alive now in the world. It would seem that everyone knows everything about me. For what special can do an average sixteen? He sits at the computer, meet with friends, writing SMS, it comes to shopping. But with me it is different ... Two years ago during a camp in the Bieszczady yet experienced the greatest adventure of my life. During a mountain expedition for which as usual I took his camera caught us a terrible storm. By nature I am brave, therefore, decided to take pictures of lightning - it was always my dream.So far I did not have such an opportunity. Usually photographed animals and nature. I was enchanted by the view of a stormy sky torn by successive lightning. I did not notice even when heavy rain began to fall. The whole group fled in the chaos of the shelter, but my eye caught a small red cat - soaked, chilled and lost.I hid the camera, took him under his jacket and quickly I went to the cottage which was stationed in the camp. Not worried about themselves - not the first time I was soaked to the skin. The more scared about my new friend redhead. My dried it with a towel and gave him warm milk. After long persuasion camp nurse allowed me to take a kitten home.After his return told the whole situation to parents were proud of my behavior and in return for my courage to let me keep the cat in the house. Also decided that once a week I visited Lodz shelter for animals, to help a little in the care of the poor abandoned creatures.Pictures of lightning were fantastic, through them, the more I became interested in photography. Hopefully in the upcoming holiday will take me to rate photos, which is dreaming. And during the planned trip to Spain, I can do another portion of the fantastic photographs that will fill more peaceful place on my walls.
It would seem that everyone knows everything about me. For what special can do an average sixteen? He sits at the computer, meet with friends, writing SMS, it comes to shopping. But with me it is different ...
Two years ago during a camp in the Bieszczady yet experienced the greatest adventure of my life. During a mountain expedition for which as usual I took his camera caught us a terrible storm. By nature I am brave, therefore, decided to take pictures of lightning - it was always my dream.So far I did not have such an opportunity. Usually photographed animals and nature. I was enchanted by the view of a stormy sky torn by successive lightning. I did not notice even when heavy rain began to fall. The whole group fled in the chaos of the shelter, but my eye caught a small red cat - soaked, chilled and lost.I hid the camera, took him under his jacket and quickly I went to the cottage which was stationed in the camp. Not worried about themselves - not the first time I was soaked to the skin. The more scared about my new friend redhead. My dried it with a towel and gave him warm milk. After long persuasion camp nurse allowed me to take a kitten home.After his return told the whole situation to parents were proud of my behavior and in return for my courage to let me keep the cat in the house. Also decided that once a week I visited Lodz shelter for animals, to help a little in the care of the poor abandoned creatures.Pictures of lightning were fantastic, through them, the more I became interested in photography. Hopefully in the upcoming holiday will take me to rate photos, which is dreaming. And during the planned trip to Spain, I can do another portion of the fantastic photographs that will fill more peaceful place on my walls.