September 2018 0 40 Report

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Couple are waiting longer before they get married and the average age for a first wedding is now 30. This means that parents are getting older and, at the same time, families are smaller becouse many couples think that smaller is better. More mothers are going to work and they have less time to spend at home with thei children. How are these changes affecting the lives of British teenagers? A new survey by the Britpoll Organization has to learn more.

What, for example, do teenagers like and dislike their parents? How do parents feel about their relationships with their children? What do teenagers and parents want from each other? How well do they get on?

Most teenagers say that they love their parents and that their parents love them. They know that they cam count on their parents when they need them, and 40% like their parents' sense of humor. But there are problems, too. Parents want their children to help more with the housework and more than half of the teenagers think that their parents tell then off too often. ''Im 17, but they treat me like a child'' was another common complaint

Most teens find it difficult to talk to their parents about personal things like relationships, but, for some, there is very little communication at all. ''My mother never hes any time, and my father is never there'' said one 15-year-old. ''They ask too many question, but they never really listen to my answers'' said another. Dad gives me money every month, but he doesn't know who I am. I'm studying for my end-of-term exams, but he never offers to help me” she continued. Teenagers now heve more money, but they aren't getting as much attention as before.

Teenagers often prefer to spend more time with their frends and most parents don'tmind. Family meals are becoming a thing of the past and teenagers often have dinner in front of the TV. It seems that the only time that families are really together is for two summer holidays

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