Przetłumacz te zdania :
1. Była piękna pogoda. Niebo było czyste, słońce świeciło . Pogoda była idealna do serfowania na wielkich falach.
2.Kiedy rekin zaatakował moją rękę byłam bardzo zdenerwowana. Ja trzymałam moją deskę i w końcy rekin odpłynął . To działo się tak szybko że nawet nie zdążyłam krzyknąć.. Ja pomyślałam że natychmiast muszę popłynąć do plaży.I zastanawiałam się co z moimi sponsorami?.
3. Moi przyjaciele nie widzieli ataku . Myśleli że żartuje płynąc do plaży z jedną ręką . Kiedy zobaczyli krew pomogli mi .
4. Serfing był w moim życiu bardzo ważny . Byłam jedną z lepszych nastoletnich serferów na świecie . Ja planowałam zostać profesjonalnym serferem.
5. Teraz nic się nie zmieniło serfing jest dla mnie dalej bardzo ważny . Po ataku Około rok póżniej wygrałam zawody w Hawajach . Myślę że nadal będę serferem bez względu na to co się stało.
Bardzo proszę bez błędów...!!!
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1. There was a beautiful weather. The sky was clean, sun was shining. The weather was perfect to surf.2. When shark attacked my arm, I was terrified (przerażona) / nervous (zdenerwowana, ale to nie pasuje do kontekstu). I was holding my surfboard and eventually the shark swimmed away. It happend so fast, that I didn't have any time to shout. I was wondering what about my sponsors?3. My friends didn't see the attack. They thought I was joking, when I was swimming to the beach with one hand. When they saw blood, they helped me.4. Surfing was very important thing in my life. I was one of the best teenaged surfers in the world. I planned to become a professianal surfer.5. Now nothing has changed - surfing is still very important to me. About a year after the accident (wypadku) I won the competition in Hawaii. I think I'll be the surfer no matter what happened.
1. The weather was beautiful. The sky was clear, the sun was shining. The weather was perfect for surfing on the huge waves.
2. When the shark attacked my arm I was very nervous. I was holding my surfboard and finally the shark swam away. It happened so fast that I could not scream... I though that I had to swim to the beach as fast as possible. I was wondering what about my sponsors?
3. My friends didn't see the attack. They thought that I was joking swimming to the beach with just one arm. When they saw the blood they helped me.
4. Surfing was very important in my life. I was one of the best teenage surfers in the world.
5. I planned to become a professional surfer.
7. Now nothing has changed. Surfing is still very important to me. About half a year later after the attack I won a competition in Hawaii. I think I will be a surfer anyway, regardless of what happend.