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Cześć Weronika!
Jak się masz?Piszę do Ciebie ponieważ chcę Ci powiedzieć o ważnej rzeczy. Moim nowy hobby od niedawna jest jazda konna. Daje mi to dużo satysfakcji. Mogę lepiej zrozumieć zwierzęta i odpocząć od szkoły. Poznałam nawet kilku znajomych. Razem jeździmy do tej samej stadniny w każdą sosobtę. Z okazji urodzin Damiana wybieram się na imprezę. Jestem bardzo podekscytowana,nie mogę się doczekać.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Hi Weronika!
How are you? I am writing to you to say about a very important thing. Horse riding has recently become my new hobby. It gives me much satisfaction. I can better understand animals and have some free time from school. I even get to know with few acquaintances. We ride together to the same stud every Saturday. On the occasion of birthday of Damian I go on a party. I am so excited, I can't look forward to it.
Hi Weronika!
How are you? I'm writting this letter to you,because I want tell you about important thing. My new hobby is horse riding. It gives me lots of satisfaction. I can better understand animals and I can break from school. I met few people. We ride together to this same stud every Saturday. Damian has got birthday, so I go to him for the party. I'm very exciting, I can't wait.
See you!
XYZ ;)