Przetłumacz podane zdania na język angielski używając czasu Present Simple lub Present Continouos. 1. Spójrz, twój brat całuje twoją dziewczynę. 2. O której godzinie twoi rodzice kończą pracę w poniedziałek? 3. Co twoja siostra lubi jeść na śniadanie? 4. Ile lat ma twój brat? 5. Co zazwyczaj czytasz w wakacje? 6. Dlaczego płaczesz? 7. Nie lubię go, bo on zawsze zadaje głupie pytania.
1 Look, your brother kisses your girlfriend. 2 what time your parents finish work on Monday 3 what your sister likes eat on breakfast 4 how old is your brother? 5 What usually you reading in holiday 6 why you are crying? tylko 2 nie wiem czy tak ma byc
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1. Look, your brother is kissing your girlfriend. 2. What time your parents end the work on Monday? 3. What does your like eat at breakfast. 4. How old is your brother? 5. What do you usually read on holidays? 6. Why you're crying? 7. I don't like him because he is always asking stupid questions.
2 what time your parents finish work on Monday
3 what your sister likes eat on breakfast
4 how old is your brother?
5 What usually you reading in holiday
6 why you are crying?
tylko 2 nie wiem czy tak ma byc
2. What time your parents end the work on Monday?
3. What does your like eat at breakfast.
4. How old is your brother?
5. What do you usually read on holidays?
6. Why you're crying?
7. I don't like him because he is always asking stupid questions.