Przetłumacz po angielsku list na temat wymazonych wakacji' Hej! Moje wymazone wakacje to wyjazd na Bahamy. Bardzo mi się podoba to państwo bo ma dużo dzikiej roślinności np. Palmy . Niezaleznie od pór roku zawsze panuje tam gorące lato. Chciałabym zobaczyć miejsca w których został nakręcony 16 i 17 odcinek ,,On ona i Dzieciaki''.Chciałabym też zobaczyć głowę państwa czyli królową Elżbietę || .
Hey! My dream vacation is a trip to the Bahamas. Really like this country because it has a lot of wild plants such as Palm. Regardless of the season where there is always a hot summer. I would like to see the places where the film was made 16 and 17 episode, He and the kids''. I would also see the head of state or Queen Elizabeth
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Hey! My dream holidays is about going on Bahamas. I really like this state because it has loads of wild greenery, e.g. palms. In spite of the season there's always hot summer. I'd like to see a place where 16th and 17th episodes of "My Wife and Kids" were made. I'd also like to see a head of state - Elizabeth II.
My dream vacation is a trip to the Bahamas. Really like this country because it has a lot of wild plants such as Palm.
Regardless of the season where there is always a hot summer.
I would like to see the places where the film was made 16 and 17 episode, He and the kids''. I would also see the head of state or Queen Elizabeth
My dream holidays is about going on Bahamas. I really like this state because it has loads of wild greenery, e.g. palms.
In spite of the season there's always hot summer.
I'd like to see a place where 16th and 17th episodes of "My Wife and Kids" were made. I'd also like to see a head of state - Elizabeth II.