- Ona nie mieszka we Włoszech, ona mieszka w Rosji. NIe mówi jednak po rosyjsku. -Jestem Brytyjczykiem o polskim pochodzeniu. Pochodzę z miasta na południu Polski. -Nie jestem zbyt dobry w mówieniu obcymi językami. Nie pamiętam zbyt wielu słów. -NIe mówię po węgiersku. Musisz więc oddać mój słownik gdyż jadę do Budapesztu. -Gdy znaleźliśmy go w górach, wciąż był żywy. MIał szczęście, czyż nie? -Ten bramkarz jest wysoki na sześć stóp. Trudno go mieć za przeciwnika. -Mój chrzestny nie potrafi używać takich rzeczy, jak broń czy radar. -Mam już siedemdziesiąt lat, pięć lat temu przyznano mi emeryturę. -Zawsze krzyczę, kiedy on gra na gitarze i śpiewa te piosenki. To jest straszne. -Wisła jest długa na setki kilometrów, a szeroka na dwieście metrów. -On uprawia boks, lecz nie umie jeździć konno. Nauczy się w końcu. -Ile masz lekcji i ile pracy po lekcjach?
- She does not live in Italy, she lives in Russia. However, I do not speak Russian. I am of the British-Polish origin. I come from in the southern Polish city. -I 'm not too good at speaking foreign languages. I do not remember too many words. -I do not speak Hungarian. So give my dictionary because I 'm going to Budapest. -When we found him in the mountains, he was still alive. He was lucky, is it not? -The goalie is six feet high. It is difficult for it to be the enemy. My godchild-can not use such things as weapons or radar. I already have a seventy-year, five years ago, I am retired. -I always cry when he plays the guitar and sing these songs. This is terrible. Wisla is long-on, hundreds of kilometers wide and two hundred meters. On-grown boxing, but not able to ride a horse. Learn in the end. -How much and how many lessons you have work after school?
- She does not live in Italy, she lives in Russia. However, I do not speak Russian.
I am of the British-Polish origin. I come from in the southern Polish city.
-I 'm not too good at speaking foreign languages. I do not remember too many words.
-I do not speak Hungarian. So give my dictionary because I 'm going to Budapest.
-When we found him in the mountains, he was still alive. He was lucky, is it not?
-The goalie is six feet high. It is difficult for it to be the enemy.
My godchild-can not use such things as weapons or radar.
I already have a seventy-year, five years ago, I am retired.
-I always cry when he plays the guitar and sing these songs. This is terrible.
Wisla is long-on, hundreds of kilometers wide and two hundred meters.
On-grown boxing, but not able to ride a horse. Learn in the end.
-How much and how many lessons you have work after school?