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Hi Mike.
Greetings from California. I've never been to a camp before. I've been here for a week now and I've done lots of exciting things. So far I've met lots of interesing people and I've been sailing and water skiing. The weather is great so I spend most mornings sunbathing. Unfortunately , I got sunburnt two days ago. It's geting better but I still can't go to the beach. I haven't bought any souvenirs yet, but there's plenty of time for that. I've taken a lot of pictures to show you when I get back. See you ina week. Take care.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Cześć Mike.
Pozdrowienia z Kaliforni. Nigdy wcześniej nie bylem na obozie. Byłem tu na tydzien i zrobilem wiele ekscytujacych rzeczy. Na razie spotkalem sie z wieloma ciekawymi ludzmi, zeglowalem i jezdzilem na nartach wodnych. Pogoda jest swietna wiec spedzam wiekszosc porankow na opalaniu. Niestety, dwa dni temu dostalem opazenia slonecznego. Zaczyna byc lepiej ale nadal nie moge isc na plaze. Jeszcze nie kupilem zadnych pamiatek ale bedzie na to duzo czasu. Zrobilem mnóstwo zdjec zeby ci pokazac jak wroce. Do zobaczenia w nastepnym tygodniu. Trzymaj sie.