Przetłumacz na język angielski Oni nie znali jego rodziców. Kiedy oni zaczęli pracować? My nie jedliśmy obiadu. Kiedy napisałeś ten list? Dlaczego ty dałeś im taki drogi prezent? Kiedy byliście w kinie? Oni kupili nowy dom trzy lata temu. Tom oparzył rękę i poszedł do lekarza. Jej koleżanka przyleciała wczoraj z Paryża. Ja odrobiłem pracę domową. Moi dziadkowie zbudowali ten dom w 1970r. Paul przewrócił się i złamał nogę. Zapomniałam twój numer telefonu. Sussan dostała wczoraj piątkę z matematyki. Jason znalazł kluczę. Naprawdę ? Gdzie były? Wczoraj czułem się bardzo zmęczony i poszedłem wcześnie spać Ten samochód dużo kosztował. Robotnicy ścięli to drzewo w zeszłym tygodniu. Kate wybrała ten prezent dla ciebie Tina złapała ostatni pociąg do Londynu.
They haven't known his parents. When did they start to work? We haven't eaten the dinner. When did you write this letter? Why did you give them so expensive gift? When have you been in the cinema? They bought the new house three years ago, Tom had burnt his hand and went to the doctor. Her friend came from Paris yesterday. I did my homework. My grandparent built this house in 1970. Paul had fallen up and he had broken his leg. I forgot your phone number. Sussane got 5 in Math yesterday. Jason has found the keys. Really? where were they? Yesterday I felt very tired and I was going to sleep earlier. This car cost a lot of money. The workers cut this tree last week. Kate chose this gift for you. Tina has caught the last train to London.
When did they start to work?
We haven't eaten the dinner.
When did you write this letter?
Why did you give them so expensive gift?
When have you been in the cinema?
They bought the new house three years ago,
Tom had burnt his hand and went to the doctor.
Her friend came from Paris yesterday.
I did my homework.
My grandparent built this house in 1970.
Paul had fallen up and he had broken his leg.
I forgot your phone number.
Sussane got 5 in Math yesterday.
Jason has found the keys. Really? where were they?
Yesterday I felt very tired and I was going to sleep earlier.
This car cost a lot of money.
The workers cut this tree last week.
Kate chose this gift for you.
Tina has caught the last train to London.