Przetłumacz na język angielski:
1.Byłem tam wczoraj.
2.John spodkał mnie na lotnisku.
3.Kupiłego ten dom w 92 roku.
4.Napisałem list do świętgo mikołaja wczoraj.
5.Byliśmy w Francji w zeszłym roku.
6.On był nieobecny w piątek.
7.Ojciec odpoczywał po obiedzie.
8.Mama ugotowała obiad dla nas wszystkich.
9.On zamknoł drzwi.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1.I there yesterday
2.John met me at the airport.
3.I bought this house in 92 years.
4.I wrote Holy letter to Nicholas yesterday.
5.We were in France last year.
6.It was absent on Friday.
7.Father rested after lunch.
8.Mammy cooked dinner for us all .
9.It closed the door.
1. I was there yesterday.
2. John met me on the airport.
3. I bought this house in the 92.
4. I wrote the letter to the Santa Claus yesterday.
5. We was in France last year.
6. He was absent on Friday.
7. Father rested after the dinner.
8. Mum cooked dinner for all of us.
9. He closed the door.