Przetłumacz na język angielski. Tylko nie z tłumacza bo zgłaszam do moderatora! Proszę o pomoc.
1.Ona powiedziała że zadzwoni póżniej.
2.Piotr powiedział nam że w ten weekend urządz przyjęcie.
3.Ona powiedziała że pomoże mi w ogródku.
4.Mój brat powiedział że wczoraj nie był w szkole.
5.Moja mama powiedziała,że nie zrobiła jeszcze zakupów.
6.On powiedział,że nigdy wcześniej nie złowił takiej dużej ryby.
7.Powiedziała że właśnie teraz gotuje obiad.
8.Mama zapytała jak bylo w szkole.
9.On chciał wiedzieć co będę jutro robić.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1. She said she would call later.
2. Peter told us he was giving/organizing a party that weekend.
3. She said she would help me in the garden.
4. My brother said he hadn't been at school the previous day.
5. My mom said she hadn't done the shopping yet.
6. He said he had never caught such a big fish before.
7. She said she was just making dinner.
8. Mom asked how it had been in school.
9. He wanted to know what I was doing the next day.
1. She said she would call later.
2. Peter told us he was organizing a party that weekend.
3. She said she would help me in the garden.
4. My brother said he hadn't been at school the previous days.
5. My mom said she hadn't done the shopping yet.
6. He said he had never caught such a big fish before.
7. She said she was just making dinner.
8. Mom asked how it had been in school.
9. He wanted to know what I was doing the next day.
Nie jestem pewna co do 2
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