Przetłumacz na język angielski stosując czas Present continuous lub Present Simple:
1. Nie możesz z nim teraz rozmawiać- on pisze list do żony.
2. Nigdy nie pije kawy, ale teraz ja piję, bo jestem śpiąca.
3. Co robisz w soboty?
4. Dlaczego zakładasz płaszcz? Ponieważ ide na spacer.
5. Oni sa teraz zajęci. Oglądają swój ulubiony program telewizyjny.
6. Zima rzeki zamarzają.
7. tom często opowiada nam o Australii, ponieważ dużo wie o tym kraju.
8. Ona rzadko pomaga swojej mamie, ale teraz zmywa po obiedzie.
9. Jak często zabierasz psa na spacer?
10. Gdzie Piotr i Marysia kupują zazwyczaj swoje ubrania?
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1. You can't talk with him - he's writing a letter to his wife
2. I never drink coffe but now I do because I'm tired
3. What do you do on Saturdays?
4. Why do you wear a coat? Because I'm going for a walk.
5. They are busy right now. The are watching their favourite programm on tv.
6. In winter rivers freeze
7. Tom often tell us about Australia because he knows a lot of this country
8. She rarely helps her mother but now she's washing the dishes
9. How often do you walk the dog?
10. Where Piotr and Marysia usually buy thei clothes?
1. You can't talk with him now - he's writing letter to his wife.
2. I never drink coffee, but I'm drinking now, because I'm sleepy.
3. What do you do every Saturday?
4. Why are you wearing coat? Because I go for a walk.
5. They're busy. They watch their favourite TV program.
6. Rivers freeze in winter. ???
7. Tom says us about Australia often, because he knows much about this country.
8. She helps her mum seldom, but she's washing the dishes after dinner now.
9. How often do you go for a walk with your dog?
10. Where do Piotr and Marysia usually buy their clothes?
Nie jestem pewna czy wszystko jest dobrze.... Ale tam mi sie wydaje. Robiłam sama a nie z translatora. Liczę na naj ;)