Przetłumacz na język angielski. Most łączy San Francisco z hrabstwem Martin, ma długość ponad 2,8 km i leży 67 m nad powierzchnią wody.
informacja Podczas budowy która pochłonęła wiele ofiar wśród robotników, walczono z przypływami, silnymi prądami i gęstą mgłą. Most zaprojektowany przez inżyniera Josepha Straussa przez ponad 20 lat był najdłuższym mostem wiszącym w świecie - 1280 m między bliźniaczymi wieżami wznoszącymi się na 227 m nad poziomem wody podczas przypływu.
informacja Liny podtrzymujące most mają 93 cm średnicy i składają się z 27572 oddzielnych żyłek kabla. Każda wieża wytrzymuje obciążenie wszystkich lin wynoszące 95 tysięcy ton, a każda zamontowana na brzegu blokada musiała wytrzymać naciąg 28,5 tysiąca ton. Długość drutów użytych do wykonania lin wystarczyła by na okrążenie Ziemi trzy razy.
informacja Codziennie przejeżdża przez most 120 tysięcy samochodów, ścieżka dla pieszych biegnąca wzdłuż mostu cieszy się dużą popularnością, taką że szybko stał się on symbolem San Francisco.
informacja Most Golden Gate był najdłuższym wiszącym mostem do 1965 roku, gdy wybudowano o 18 metrów dłuższy most Verranzo-Narrows w Nowym Jorku.
informacja Od momentu powstania mostu około 835 samobójców skoczyło przez barierki.
chiksBridge connecting San Francisco with Marin county, has a length of over 2.8 km and is located 67 meters above the water surface. During the construction of information which claimed many victims among the workers, they fought with the tides, strong currents and dense fog. Bridge designed by the engineer Joseph Strauss for over 20 years was the longest suspension bridge in the world - 1,280 meters between the tBridge connecting San Francisco with Marin county, has a length of over 2.8 km and is located 67 meters above the water surface. During the construction of information which claimed many victims among the workers, they fought with the tides, strong currents and dense fog. Bridge designed by the engineer Joseph Strauss for over 20 years was the longest suspension bridge in the world - 1,280 meters between the twin towers ascending to 227 meters above the water level at high tide. Information ropes supporting the bridge are 93 cm in diameter and made up of 27,572 individual strands of the cable. Each tower can withstand the load of all lines of 95 thousand tons, and each mounted on the edge of the lock had to withstand tension of 28.5 thousand tons. The length of wire rope used to capture enough to circle the Earth by three times. information travels over the bridge every day 120,000 cars, footpaths running along the bridge is very popular, so that quickly became a symbol of San Francisco. Information The Golden Gate Bridge was the longest suspension bridge until 1965, when built about 18 meters long Verranzo-Narrows Bridge in New York. Information Since its inception, the bridge about 835 suicides jumped through the towers ascending to 227 meters above the water level at high tide. Information ropes supporting the bridge are 93 cm in diameter and made up of 27,572 individual strands of the cable. Each tower can withstand the load of all lines of 95 thousand tons, and each mounted on the edge of the lock had to withstand tension of 28.5 thousand tons. The length of wire rope used to capture enough to circle the Earth by three times. information travels over the bridge every day 120,000 cars, footpaths running along the bridge is very popular, so that quickly became a symbol of San Francisco. Information The Golden Gate Bridge was the longest suspension bridge until 1965, when built about 18 meters long Verranzo-Narrows Bridge in New York. Information Since its inception, the bridge about 835 suicides jumped through the railings.
During the construction of information which claimed many victims among the workers, they fought with the tides, strong currents and dense fog. Bridge designed by the engineer Joseph Strauss for over 20 years was the longest suspension bridge in the world - 1,280 meters between the tBridge connecting San Francisco with Marin county, has a length of over 2.8 km and is located 67 meters above the water surface.
During the construction of information which claimed many victims among the workers, they fought with the tides, strong currents and dense fog. Bridge designed by the engineer Joseph Strauss for over 20 years was the longest suspension bridge in the world - 1,280 meters between the twin towers ascending to 227 meters above the water level at high tide.
Information ropes supporting the bridge are 93 cm in diameter and made up of 27,572 individual strands of the cable. Each tower can withstand the load of all lines of 95 thousand tons, and each mounted on the edge of the lock had to withstand tension of 28.5 thousand tons. The length of wire rope used to capture enough to circle the Earth by three times.
information travels over the bridge every day 120,000 cars, footpaths running along the bridge is very popular, so that quickly became a symbol of San Francisco.
Information The Golden Gate Bridge was the longest suspension bridge until 1965, when built about 18 meters long Verranzo-Narrows Bridge in New York.
Information Since its inception, the bridge about 835 suicides jumped through the towers ascending to 227 meters above the water level at high tide.
Information ropes supporting the bridge are 93 cm in diameter and made up of 27,572 individual strands of the cable. Each tower can withstand the load of all lines of 95 thousand tons, and each mounted on the edge of the lock had to withstand tension of 28.5 thousand tons. The length of wire rope used to capture enough to circle the Earth by three times.
information travels over the bridge every day 120,000 cars, footpaths running along the bridge is very popular, so that quickly became a symbol of San Francisco.
Information The Golden Gate Bridge was the longest suspension bridge until 1965, when built about 18 meters long Verranzo-Narrows Bridge in New York.
Information Since its inception, the bridge about 835 suicides jumped through the railings.