Przetłumacz na język Angielski (błagam nie translator google)
Do biegu przygotowywałam się ponad miesiąc.Codziennie ćwiczyłam,a w weekendy biegałam 30 min rano.Piłam bardzo dużo wody i zdrowo jadłam.W czasie biegu zdarzyła się okropna sytuacja złapał mnie skurcz nogi,strasznie bolało.zatrzymałam się usiadłam i po chwili znowu biegłam.Uważam ze organizowanie ulicznych biegów jest bardzo interesujące,dużo ludzi sie poznaje,sprawdza swoją formę fizyczną.Kolejna taka impreza za rok w wakacje,tym razem bieg na 15 km.Chce brać w niej udział i mam nadzieję,ze pójdziesz ze mną
I've been preparing for the run for over a month. I was training every single day. On weekends I would run 30 minutes in the morning. I ate healthy food and drank a lot of water. I was very excited for the run. Unluckily, during the marathon a horrible accident happened. I got a cramp in my leg. It hurt terribly and I had to stop for a while. After few moments of fighting with the pain I've been running again. I think street runs are a great for many reasons. They help you improve your physical condition, are a great form of spending time and best of all - they give you an opportunity to meet new people. Next event like this takes place next year on summer holiday. I really want to participate in it and I hope that you'll go with me.
Unluckily, during the marathon a horrible accident happened. I got a cramp in my leg. It hurt terribly and I had to stop for a while. After few moments of fighting with the pain I've been running again.
I think street runs are a great for many reasons. They help you improve your physical condition, are a great form of spending time and best of all - they give you an opportunity to meet new people. Next event like this takes place next year on summer holiday. I really want to participate in it and I hope that you'll go with me.