Partenon to najważniejsza świątynia, poświęcona bogini Atenie. Uważana jest za dzieło dwóch architektów: Iktinosa oraz Kallikratesa. W części Partenonu zwanej Hekatompedon znajdowała się rzeźba Ateny Partenos autorstwa samego Fidiasza. Posąg został usunięty i przewieziony do Konstantynopola. Nazwę świątyni tłumaczy się jako "salę dziewic". Wnętrze budowli pokrywały niegdyś przepiękne malowidła przedstawiające sceny z wojny trojańskiej. Znaczna część dzieł sztuki znajdujących się w Partenonie uległa zniszczeniu, natomiast to, co pozostało przechowywane jest po dziś dzień przez Muzeum Brytyjskie w Londynie.
Propyleje to monumentalna brama wzniesiona przez Mnesiklesa, który jednak budowy nie dokończył z powodu wybuchu wojny peloponeskiej. Budowniczy użył cennego marmuru sprowadzonego z góry Pentelikon. Propyleje wzniesione zostały jako budowla o przeznaczeniu świeckim, co w pewien sposób kłóciło się z jej przepychem i bogactwem. W jednej z części mieszczącej się w lewym skrzydle znajdowała się wystawa dzieł Polignotusa. Prawa część budowli pierwotnie poświęcona również prezentacji wybitnych malowideł ostatecznie stała się przedsionkiem Świątyni Nike.
Świątynia Nike poświęcona bogini Aten wzniesiona została w pobliżu urwiska zwróconemu w kierunku portu w Pireusie. Podróżnik grecki Pauzaniasz opisuje że król Egeusz popełnił tu samobójstwo na widok statków swego syna z zatkniętą czarną flagą. Jak głosi mit o Tezeuszu, wyprawił się on na Kretę by stoczyć walkę z Minotaurem. Kiedy po odniesionym zwycięstwie powracał do domu swego ojca zapomniał zaznaczyć sukcesu poprzez zamianę czarnych żagli na białe. Ojciec widząc czarne żagle, przekonany o porażce Tezeusza rzucił się w przepaść z rozpaczy. Wystrój świątyni był bardzo bogaty. Świadczą o tym zachowane po dziś dzień rzeźby naskalne prezentujące między innymi pogrom Persów dokonany przez żołnierzy ateńskich w trakcie bitwy pod Platejami.
Erechtejon – świątynia poświęcona Atenie i Posejdonowi. Krąży legenda o powstaniu Erechtejonu. Gdy Ateny jeszcze nie były rozwiniętym miastem, Posejdon i Atena toczyli spór kto będzie opiekunem miasta. Problem mieli rozstrzygnąć mieszkańcy, którzy mieli zadecydować kogo dar był cenniejszy. Posejdon uderzył swoim trójzębem w skałę, z której wytrysnęło słone źródło. Atena podarowała oliwkę, którą mieszkańcy uznali za cenniejszy dar niż woda. Tam gdzie stoczył się ten spór, postawiono świątynię, czyli Erechtejon na uczczenie tamtego wydarzenia.
Muzeum Akropolu. Znajdują się w nim te zabytki, które znajdowały się w zespole Akropolu, ale z obawy o ich stan zdecydowano się przenieść je do bezpieczniejszego miejsca. Przedmioty przenosić zaczęto w roku 1834 i z roku na rok liczba eksponatów się zwiększa. Muzeum składa się z kilku sal. W kilku z nich zgromadzono rzeźby znajdujące się pierwotnie w części frontowej Starej Świątyni Ateny.
Parthenon is the most important temple, dedicated to the goddess Athena. Is considered to be the work of two architects: Iktinos and Kallikrates. As part of the Parthenon known Hekatompedon was a sculpture of Athens Parthenos by the Phidias. The statue was removed and taken to Constantinople. The name of the temple translates as "hall of virgins." The interior of the building covered the once beautiful paintings depicting scenes from the Trojan War. A significant part of works of art contained in the Parthenon was destroyed, but what is left is kept to this day the British Museum in London.
Propylaea a monumental gate was erected by Mnesikles which, however, construction did not finish due to the outbreak of the Peloponnesian War. Construction used a valuable marble imported from the top of Pentelikon. Propylaea raised were a building designed for a secular, as in some way kłóciło with its splendor and richness. In one of the components located in the left wing was an exhibition of works Polignotusa. Right part of the building was originally dedicated to the presentation of outstanding paintings eventually became the vestibule of the Temple of Nike.
Temple of Nike dedicated to the goddess of Athens was built near the cliffs value returned in the direction of the port of Piraeus. Traveler Greek Pausanias describes that King Aegeus committed here suicide at the sight of the vessels of his son and hooked the black flag. "As the myth of Tezeuszu, he went on to Crete to fight with Minotaur. When the equivalent reference victory, returned to the house of his father forgot to check the success by replacing the black sails to white. Father saw the black sail, convinced of the failure of Theseus jumped into the abyss of despair. The decor of the church was very rich. Testify to the fact preserved to this day the sculpture cave showing, inter alia, rout the Persians, made by the soldiers of Athens during the Battle of Platejami.
Erechtheum - the temple dedicated to Athena and Poseidon. Circulated legend about the creation Erechtejonu. When Athens was not yet a developed city, Poseidon, and Athena waged a dispute who is the guardian of the city. The problem had resolved the residents who had to decide whom the gift was more valuable. Poseidon struck his trident into the rock from which spring forth salt source. Athena gave olive, which the residents considered to be the more precious gift than water. Where rolled the dispute, erected a temple, or Erechtheum to celebrate that event.
Acropolis Museum. It contains the relics, which were the team to the Acropolis, but with concerns about the state decided to move them to safer places. Subjects move began in 1834 and from year to year the number of exhibits increases. The Museum consists of several rooms. Several of them gathered sculptures located primarily in the front part of the Old Temple of Athena.
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Is considered to be the work of two architects: Iktinos and Kallikrates. As part of the Parthenon known Hekatompedon was a sculpture of Athens Parthenos by the Phidias. The statue was removed and taken to Constantinople. The name of the temple translates as "hall of virgins." The interior of the building covered the once beautiful paintings depicting scenes from the Trojan War. A significant part of works of art contained in the Parthenon was destroyed, but what is left is kept to this day the British Museum in London.
Propylaea a monumental gate was erected by Mnesikles which, however, construction did not finish due to the outbreak of the Peloponnesian War. Construction used a valuable marble imported from the top of Pentelikon. Propylaea raised were a building designed for a secular, as in some way kłóciło with its splendor and richness. In one of the components located in the left wing was an exhibition of works Polignotusa. Right part of the building was originally dedicated to the presentation of outstanding paintings eventually became the vestibule of the Temple of Nike.
Temple of Nike dedicated to the goddess of Athens was built near the cliffs value returned in the direction of the port of Piraeus. Traveler Greek Pausanias describes that King Aegeus committed here suicide at the sight of the vessels of his son and hooked the black flag. "As the myth of Tezeuszu, he went on to Crete to fight with Minotaur. When the equivalent reference victory, returned to the house of his father forgot to check the success by replacing the black sails to white. Father saw the black sail, convinced of the failure of Theseus jumped into the abyss of despair. The decor of the church was very rich. Testify to the fact preserved to this day the sculpture cave showing, inter alia, rout the Persians, made by the soldiers of Athens during the Battle of Platejami.
Erechtheum - the temple dedicated to Athena and Poseidon. Circulated legend about the creation Erechtejonu. When Athens was not yet a developed city, Poseidon, and Athena waged a dispute who is the guardian of the city. The problem had resolved the residents who had to decide whom the gift was more valuable. Poseidon struck his trident into the rock from which spring forth salt source. Athena gave olive, which the residents considered to be the more precious gift than water. Where rolled the dispute, erected a temple, or Erechtheum to celebrate that event.
Acropolis Museum. It contains the relics, which were the team to the Acropolis, but with concerns about the state decided to move them to safer places. Subjects move began in 1834 and from year to year the number of exhibits increases. The Museum consists of several rooms. Several of them gathered sculptures located primarily in the front part of the Old Temple of Athena.
Is considered to be the work of two architects: Iktinos and Kallikrates. As part of the Parthenon known Hekatompedon was a sculpture of Athens Parthenos by the Phidias. The statue was removed and taken to Constantinople. The name of the temple translates as "hall of virgins." The interior of the building covered the once beautiful paintings depicting scenes from the Trojan War. A significant part of works of art contained in the Parthenon was destroyed, but what is left is kept to this day the British Museum in London.
Propylaea a monumental gate was erected by Mnesikles which, however, construction did not finish due to the outbreak of the Peloponnesian War. Construction used a valuable marble imported from the top of Pentelikon. Propylaea raised were a building designed for a secular, as in some way kłóciło with its splendor and richness. In one of the components located in the left wing was an exhibition of works Polignotusa. Right part of the building was originally dedicated to the presentation of outstanding paintings eventually became the vestibule of the Temple of Nike.
Temple of Nike dedicated to the goddess of Athens was built near the cliffs value returned in the direction of the port of Piraeus. Traveler Greek Pausanias describes that King Aegeus committed here suicide at the sight of the vessels of his son and hooked the black flag. "As the myth of Tezeuszu, he went on to Crete to fight with Minotaur. When the equivalent reference victory, returned to the house of his father forgot to check the success by replacing the black sails to white. Father saw the black sail, convinced of the failure of Theseus jumped into the abyss of despair. The decor of the church was very rich. Testify to the fact preserved to this day the sculpture cave showing, inter alia, rout the Persians, made by the soldiers of Athens during the Battle of Platejami.
Erechtheum - the temple dedicated to Athena and Poseidon. Circulated legend about the creation Erechtejonu. When Athens was not yet a developed city, Poseidon, and Athena waged a dispute who is the guardian of the city. The problem had resolved the residents who had to decide whom the gift was more valuable. Poseidon struck his trident into the rock from which spring forth salt source. Athena gave olive, which the residents considered to be the more precious gift than water. Where rolled the dispute, erected a temple, or Erechtheum to celebrate that event.
Acropolis Museum. It contains the relics, which were the team to the Acropolis, but with concerns about the state decided to move them to safer places. Subjects move began in 1834 and from year to year the number of exhibits increases. The Museum consists of several rooms. Several of them gathered sculptures located primarily in the front part of the Old Temple of Athena.
Propylaea a monumental gate was erected by Mnesikles which, however, construction did not finish due to the outbreak of the Peloponnesian War. Construction used a valuable marble imported from the top of Pentelikon. Propylaea raised were a building designed for a secular, as in some way kłóciło with its splendor and richness. In one of the components located in the left wing was an exhibition of works Polignotusa. Right part of the building was originally dedicated to the presentation of outstanding paintings eventually became the vestibule of the Temple of Nike.
Temple of Nike dedicated to the goddess of Athens was built near the cliffs value returned in the direction of the port of Piraeus. Traveler Greek Pausanias describes that King Aegeus committed here suicide at the sight of the vessels of his son and hooked the black flag. "As the myth of Tezeuszu, he went on to Crete to fight with Minotaur. When the equivalent reference victory, returned to the house of his father forgot to check the success by replacing the black sails to white. Father saw the black sail, convinced of the failure of Theseus jumped into the abyss of despair. The decor of the church was very rich. Testify to the fact preserved to this day the sculpture cave showing, inter alia, rout the Persians, made by the soldiers of Athens during the Battle of Platejami.
Erechtheum - the temple dedicated to Athena and Poseidon. Circulated legend about the creation Erechtejonu. When Athens was not yet a developed city, Poseidon, and Athena waged a dispute who is the guardian of the city. The problem had resolved the residents who had to decide whom the gift was more valuable. Poseidon struck his trident into the rock from which spring forth salt source. Athena gave olive, which the residents considered to be the more precious gift than water. Where rolled the dispute, erected a temple, or Erechtheum to celebrate that event.
Acropolis Museum. It contains the relics, which were the team to the Acropolis, but with concerns about the state decided to move them to safer places. Subjects move began in 1834 and from year to year the number of exhibits increases. The Museum consists of several rooms. Several of them gathered sculptures located primarily in the front part of the Old Temple of Athena.