Przetłumacz na angielski
1. Czy ona ma jakieś jabłka?
2. Ona nie ma żadnych jabłek, ale ma kilka gruszek
3. Czy masz jakąś wodę mineralną
4. Potrzebuję kilka pomidorów i trochę soli do sałatki
5. W butelce nie ma żadnego mleka
6. Mamy niewiele pieniędzy
7. Czy są jakieś prosukty mleczne w kuchni
8.Nie mamy żadnych ryb ,ale mamy trochę mięsa na obiad
9. Ile kosztuje ta gazeta?
10. Ta gazeta kosztuje 2 funty
Proszę nie używać translatora bo będę sprawdzał
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1.Does she have any apples?
2.She does not have any apples, but it has some pears
3.Do you have any bottled water
4.I need a couple of tomatoes and a little salt to the salad
5.The bottle has no milk
6.We have very little money
7.Are there any dairy products in the kitchen
8.We do not have any fish, but we have some meat for dinner
9.How much is this paper?
10.This paper costs 2 pounds
1.Has she got any apples?
2. She hasn't any apples, she has some pears.
3. Have you got any water?
4.I need some tomatoes and some salt to make salad.
5.There aren't any milk in the bottle.
6.We have a little money
7.Are there any milk products in the kitchen?
8.We haven't any fish, but we have some meat.
9.How much is this newspaper?
10.This newspaper costs 2 pounds.